2p!FrUk ~ You Shouldn't Be Out Here pt. 2

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I wrote this a while ago and was going to keep adding to it, but I like how it is currently! I might continue this eventually, we'll see.... I'm a sucker for 2p!FrUk so I'll certainly write more!


     François' eyes fluttered open to find himself laying in bed with Oliver, who was on the other side of the bed with his back to him. Somehow the tiny little British man had managed to move him from the balcony to the bed without waking him up. Though, François was a pretty deep sleeper whenever he was sick. 

     The Frenchman slowly slid an arm around Oliver and pulled him close, earning a tired groan from the Englishman. Their forms were striped by the sunlight peeking through the silky curtains and François grimaced as the light illuminated his face. His eyes squeezed shut at the headache-causing light and he quickly buried his face in Oliver's neck in retaliation. 

     Oliver let out another soft groan and tilted his head to the side, giving François more access. "You're finally awake, sleepy head~..." he purred tiredly, having just been on the edge of sleep himself. The baker placed one of his soft hands on the side of François' head and ran his fingers through the tangled locks. "You feeling any better?" 

     François just snorted in response and removed one of his arms from around Oliver to pat at his pants pockets. "Oliver…" he growled warningly. 

     Oliver rolled over to face the grumpy Frenchman, who was now glaring him down with tired fury. "Don't you 'Oliver' me!" He lightly poked his finger into François chest. "I've told you countless times, no cigarettes in bed, lit or otherwise!" 

     François scoffed and turned his face away. "Fuckin' pixie…." 

     "Language!" Oliver squealed in offence. "If you really want to smoke that much, go fetch!" He picked up the packs of cigarettes that he had discarded the night before and threw them across the room before rolling over with an angry huff. 

     A few seconds passed and François snuggled back up against Oliver, nose pressed into his neck. "...'s not worth gettin' up…" the blonde mumbled softly. 

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