RusFra ~ Oh If Only (NSFW)

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Warning: it's literally just smut. Don't like, don't read :)

Take this before I regret it too much- ;-;


The gun twirled lazily in the Frenchman's hand, making a soft swishing sound as it dragged against his fingers. His other hand reached up to adjust the officer's cap perched on his head. "Hey there, big boy, back for more already~?" he purred as he swung himself into the larger male's lap. "Just can't manage to stay out of trouble, can you?" One of his gloved hands delicately touched against his thigh and dragged up to the belt loosely hanging from his hips. He tugged his handcuffs free and held them up for the other to see. "Now I've got no choice but to lock you up~."

Ivan jolted awake, mouth closing once he realized that it had been hanging open. That was the second time that week that he had had a dream like that. With Francis so… damn.

A soft groan spilled from his mouth, hands moving to rub the bulge in his boxers. Many parts of him had enjoyed that dream, not just his mind. His eyes squeezed tightly shut and images of Francis flashed behind his eyelids, causing him to groan once more.

The Russian's thumbs hooked into the elastic of his boxers and pulled down, freeing his painful erection. If only Francis knew how he made him feel. The things he would do to Ivan…. Ohh, Ivan couldn't help himself! His large hand wrapped around his cock. It wasn't nearly as gentle or skilled as Francis' was, but he could still imagine that his hand wasn't his own.

Thumb slowly dragging over the tip, other hand moving to grip the blankets, legs spreading a little at his own touch. Ivan started to let out beautiful moans as he teased himself, picturing Francis whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

And suddenly, he slipped into his imagination.

Francis pressed himself against Ivan's back, hand moving up to the Russian's cock and replacing the hand that was already there. "How cute~... who were you thinking of as you touched yourself, I wonder? …. Was it me? I'll take those noises as a yes~." The soft fingers moved gently along Ivan's length as Francis stroked him ever so slowly. His other delicate hand moved up to caress the Russian's cheek, running along the flushed skin. "Look at how embarrassed you are, Ivan! All because of big brother. Though, I must admit, seeing you like this…."

Francis didn't need to say more, Ivan could feel the French's erection pressed tight against his ass. Ivan carefully pulled himself away from Francis and got onto his hands and knees in front of him on the bed. "France. I want you."

Francis tsked softly, fingers moving forward and rubbing Ivan's eagerly twitching entrance. "So impatient…. Big brother just wanted to tease you a bit longe-"

"France please!" Ivan whined out, hips shifting back against Francis' fingers. "I need you now!" His ass gave a needy wiggle as Francis' fingers prodded and teased his hole. "No fingers!" Francis tried to protest this, telling Ivan that he really should prep him first, just to be met by another adamant "no fingers" from the stubborn Russian.

Francis just shrugged, a quiet sigh slipping from his lips. "Okay, it's your ass. For now~." He grabbed the lube and applied a generous amount to both himself and Ivan's entrance, making the Russian shiver at the feeling. "You are gorgeous, Ivan~." His hands settled on Ivan's hips as he shifted forward, tip of his length pressing against Ivan.

Ivan shifted back eagerly, but was held still by Francis. "Behave yourself." Francis gave Ivan's hips a gentle squeeze as he started to enter him, eliciting a soft groan from the man under him. Then suddenly he was buried deep inside of Ivan, who was very much enjoying himself.

The Russian pushed back into French with a groan, feeling as he leaned down and pressed close to him, chest tight against back. Every soft kiss that was pressed to his shoulder felt like fire against his skin. "Francis… move." He was reaching all of the right places and he needed movement in those places. Now.

Francis made a comment about Ivan being impatient and he was going to say something back, but then Francis started moving and everything was perfect. He was so gentle and occasionally he would kiss the back of Ivan's neck with lips so soft and warm that Ivan nearly orgasmed from those alone. Then the French's smaller hands knitted with the Russian's in another tender display as he thrusted into him.

Moan after moan spilled from Ivan's lips as Francis moved just right. "M- more-" he didn't even finish getting out the word before Francis sped up, hands tightening their grip.

"Hm~? What was that, Ivan~? You really must speak up." Francis gave a sharp thrust into Ivan, causing the Russian to yell out loudly in pleasure. "What beautiful sounds you make~.... Let big brother hear more." He went from gentle to rough in a second, the harsh sound of skin on skin filling the room.

Ivan didn't even try to muffle the embarrassing noises spilling from his lips, knowing Francis enjoyed them. He could feel the other shifting ever so slightly inside of him as he searched for his prostate. Then suddenly he found it and Ivan was screaming his name. Ivan could feel a warmth building up in his stomach, wanting to be let out as Francis pressed him face down into the bed and fucked him senseless. Pleasureful stars danced across his vision as his prostate was abused by the merciless Frenchman. "F- Fran- Fran-" was all he could manage.

"Are you close? Come for big brother France~," Francis whispered lowly, breath brushing against Ivan's earlobe.

Ivan pressed back into Francis with a whine, unable to do much else in his pleasure filled haze. Then Francis suddenly gave one last hard thrust into his prostate and he couldn't hold back the warmth anymore, cum shooting out onto the bed.

He panted harshly as he tried to recover. His head slowly started to lift as he looked back at the fingers he had stuffed in his ass. Oh, how he wished that Francis could have actually been there….

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