Fruk ~ Villains and Heroes

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Francis smirked and looked down at the defeated hero at his feet. The man who had been his enemy for years now knelt before him covered in dust and bruises. "Mr. Kirkland~... I can finally have you all to myself!" He grinned and lifted up the hero by the collar of his shirt.

The scruffy blonde spat in Francis' face with a snarl. "Go to hell."

A sigh of disappointment sounded from the villain as he wiped away the spit. "How pitiful." His expression twisted into a sick grin and he dragged the hero away to his room.

As soon as the door closed, Francis pulled the other male tight to his chest. "Was spitting at me really necessary, Arthur?"

Arthur smirked and tilted his head to the side a little. "Yes, yes it was~. I really had to sell it, you understand, don't you~?" He reached around and squeezed the French's ass, gaining a soft squeak of offence from him.

Francis growled and got up in Arthur's face. "Don't forget who's lair you're in...."

Arthur pushed against Francis' chest and the Frenchman, in his little black high-heel boots, flailed about and fell backwards onto the bed. "Don't forget who let you capture him~...."

The villain scoffed and propped himself up onto his elbows. "I could have caught you regardless!"

Arthur gave him a look. "Uh huh." He sat himself down in Francis' lap and leaned forward to kiss him.

As their lips met, Francis smacked the Brit's ass, gaining an annoyed growl and a rough kiss.

"Francis, I swear. You've smacked me around enough today." Arthur forcefully grabbed onto Francis' hair and yanked his head back. His teeth closed around all of the sensitive areas of skin, making the villain squirm under him.

"N- Non! Not the hair!" He let out a sharp gasp and tilted his head farther back.



Arthur grunted as the villain placed a hand on his sweat covered back. His angry, squinty, eyes opened a little and focussed on the Frenchman under him. "What?"

"... we can't keep doing this, Arthur," a sad smile crossed Francis' face, "we'll eventually get caught, non?"

"You're such a dick. Dropping that on me right after we just fucked..." Arthur huffed as he rested his head against the hairy rose-scented chest of Francis.


He snorted and lifted his head, bushy eyebrows knitting together in a disgruntled look. "What do you mean 'well'? What is there to contemplate?!"

Francis' forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Wha-...?"

Arthur sighed and rolled his eyes. "You really are an idiot, frog. Just run away with me."

The villain blinked a few times. "... oh. It's that easy?"

"Yah." He was giving Francis that look again.


So they ran away. They bought a little cabin, which they love, in Canada because no one would remember it long enough to find them. They got a dog, and some cats because what ex-villain is complete without cats? And then the two of them lived happily ever after~! Or did they? I dunno... seems like a pretty good chance for a sequel~...!

It's short, but hopefully a good first chapter~!

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