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Elizabeth's POV

7 days left I kept thinking about the week off of school we were given luckily for me I live in good old Los Angeles where dreams come to die and it's always sunny but unfortunately, this wasn't my ideal living situation I'm thinking more Canada is my style fewer people, nicer views, and kinder people. With those 7 days, I don't have any plans except for as of now to go see if Cheyanne ended up spending the night or not. I got out of bed not bothering to wipe the mascara that built up around my eyes and my hair which stuck right up. I grabbed my robe since I was too lazy to actually put on clothes and opened the door and walked into the living room where Grayson and Cheyanne were sleeping together on the couch I stood directly in front and noticed Grayson was awake he seemed happy to see me

"Get her off of me" he whispered extremely quietly

"Why you wanted her here plus you seemed to sleep well" I scoffed

"Elizabeth please my legs feel paralyzed and I haven't slept all night" he begged

"I'm not touching that couch you guys did stuff on there," I said grossed out

"No we didn't she fell asleep on me," he said

"Why didn't you wake her up a long time ago?"

"Cause I'm not mean." he said

"Ha that was a funny one" I laughed loudly and Cheyanne stirred

"When am I mean?" He smiled at me seriously

"You literally called me ugly like yesterday night." I said looking him dead in the eye

"I didn't I just said I wouldn't bang you because your Parkers sister plus have you seen yourself you've got raccoon eyes right now oh and you and Ollie already did it so that's weird it's kinda bro code." he said getting slightly louder

"We didn't. Cheyanne?" I said loudly hurting my own ears after adapting to speaking in only a whisper she quickly shot up and looked around confused

"Oh hi um sorry Gray," she said quickly fixing her hair

"It's fine" he smiled casually stretching his legs

"Crap what time is it?" She asked

"11 why?" I told her and she grabbed her keys

"I'll talk to you guys soon my mom wanted me back home last night so I need to sneak in bye Grayson" she smiled and walked out the door. Grayson cussed and tried to stand up and had to use my shoulder as a balancer when he almost fell

"They're tingling," he said in pain

"This is really funny maybe you should've thought about that before taking my best friend on a date" I laughed

"It wasn't she came for you but she is hot though right" he smiled

"She hardly spoke to me," I said kinda angry at the fact yet again she couldn't spend time with me 

"Who's hot?" Parker asked coming out of his room

"Cheyanne" Grayson told him while he took a step grimacing in pain and when he grabbed my shoulder again I backed up letting him stand on his own

"Oh yeah she's alright I guess but you better not of banged her this couch is premium leather and my parents would kill me if something was out of place with it," Parker said dismissing Grayson

"We didn't although I would've if Ollie didn't steal the spare room" he nudged Parker

"Gross that's my friend," I said disgusted

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