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Elizabeth's POV

I felt like maybe I was actually getting the rest I needed till my dreams began they started off with me walking down that damned hallway at the rink and just like reality Mr. Rolio came strutting down the opposite side. I somehow knew exactly what was about to happen and in my dream, my heart began to race and I began to scream until he grabbed me with a firm grip. Although I felt more prepared knowing what he would do to me he seemed scarier my mind made him a total monster. I began crying as he pulled me into the changing room and began trying to unbutton his pants I stayed screaming less frozen than I was in real life but more scared. He began to walk over to me with his hand ready to strike me till I was shaken awake.  Parker stood over me his eyes tired from waking up but alert and ready

"What's wrong?" he muttered and then my door opened a second time and Grayson stood there 

"Just a bad dream,"  I said wiping away the tears from my face

"Go back to bed Parker ill handle this" Grayson said in a reassuring manner

"who do you think you are all of a sudden she's my sister I can take care of her myself just back off man," Parker said having an outburst of anger and shoved Grayson.

"God I'm sorry I'm just trying to help she's been going through a lot lately," Grayson said trying to reason with him

"You don't think I know that hotshot go put a shirt on she's still my little sister she shouldn't have to see you walking around naked half the time" Parker scoffed

"Parker chill out," I said

"No Elizabeth that's all he does now he's acting like I don't even exist I'm supposed to be the one protecting you not him" Parker huffed I looked over at my clock it was three in the morning

"Can we just go to sleep please instead of fight over who's more manly?" I said knowing I'd rather sleep than hear them bickering. Of course, they have already tuned me out despite the fact that they came in running for me in the first place.

"Do you like her now or something is that what's going on?" Parker argued 

"Ha funny no I'm just filling in for you since you seem to be taking a backseat in everything that's been happening with your sister, kind of like your dad who buys you a fancy apartment just so he can see you a few times a month pretty soon that'll be your poor Mikaela having to put up with a rich snob like you," Grayson said cocking his head slightly

"Oh yeah well at least my dad doesn't try to punch me every time I see him and unlike you, I wouldn't even think about putting someone in that situation like you so gallantly did bringing Elizabeth with you where he almost hit her too and at least I have a girlfriend all you do is screw every female you see no wonder you're being so nice to my sister you're just trying to get in her pants too" Parker retorted while Grayson sized him up 

"Just go away" I yelled at them finally gaining their attention they both stopped and looked at me almost ashamed. Grayson rolled his eyes and walked out

"Really Parker why did you feel the need to challenge him its 3 in the morning," I said forgetting about my dream

"Because he's better than me at acting like a brother he's always the one to calm you down or help you or do literally anything and I just have to watch him," he said

"You are both so egotistical you know that? I swear it's like you have three conceited brains up there. You are my brother, not him Parker that doesn't change. You idiot trust me you're literally always there for me so I couldn't ask for a better brother." I said and looked at him while he hung his head and looked at his feet

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