6. Caleb - Phone Call

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After I got home. I think about Korra. Hoping Zach didn't do anything to her when I left. I felt a connection with her, as if I have met her before. She's different that's all I know. I don't know how to describe it precisely.

I had realized I zoned out when Puss puss was on my lap purring. Craving my attention. I pet her. Realizing I should probably get into comfortable clothing. I grab Puss before I stand up. Then set her down on the bed. I walk to my closet opening the doors. I grab a stripped t-shirt, and some shorts. I put them on my bed.

I take off my sweater that trapped my t-shirt. Leaving me shirtless. I take off my jeans. Then my socks. I put the shirt on and then the shorts. Feeling more comfortable now I'm officially home from running errands. And paying a visit to Korra.

I grab my clothes putting them in a basket. As I grab my phone and immediately go to contacts. It's only 8:00pm so hopefully she'll be awake still.
So I press the call button and wait for her answer.

Luckily she does.

"Ms. Langford speaking," she said. She sounded tired and stressed.

"Hey Korra. It's Caleb," I say.

"Caleb? Hey! How are you?" She sounds a bit more happier but I still wouldn't know though.

"I'm good. I just got home. How are you?" I asked her waiting for a reply.

"I'm alright. Zach moved out and I'm working," she said. I hear her softly sigh.

"Wait. Zach moved out?" I repeated her. Trying to process those three words into my mind.

"Yeah. He broke up with me. His parents were with him and he grabbed his shit. Then left," Wow. I'm glad that happened.

"You deserve someone so much better than him, Korra," I replied.

"Thanks, Caleb," I swear I could hear her smile over the phone. Causing me to bite my lip with anticipation.

"What're you doing tomorrow?" I asked waiting for an answer.

"I'm actually just gonna edit my photos tomorrow and then go shopping with my sister Kasey," She sounded casual like nothing bad happened between her and Zach but I knew he was crazy. I got a terrible vibe from him.

The red flag that said he was psycho, dangerous, crazy, a douche. I'd go on but fuck ... I just want Korra to be alright.

"That's cool," I replied.

"What're you up to tomorrow?" She asked in an innocent voice. That cause my heart to melt a little.

"Um ... I don't know yet," I responded hesitant on my answer.

"Oh okay," she said, "Well I'm glad I have your number. I'll save it in my contacts. And I'll call you tomorrow."

"I'd like that," I replied with a smile. Yeah ... I wouldn't mind getting to know this girl.

"Okay. Goodnight, Caleb," She said softly. I don't want to go but I might as well leave her be.

"Goodnight, Korra," I said. Then she hung up the call. I sighed as I lied on my bed. Puss puss getting on my chest. I pet her some more while Korra drifts into mind.

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