67. Korra - It's Happening!

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Kasey and Luke went to jail due to what they had done to Caleb. He no longer has to wear his sling but he still has to wear his brace on his left wrist. Otherwise nothing had happened in the past two weeks. As I'm reading a book all of a sudden I feel water running down my leg. Then a contraction hits causing me to groan loudly. I count until another one begins. Then I realize what was happening. I was having my baby.

"Caleb! Jake! The Watermelon Exploded!" That was our cue of saying my water broke. I hear running upstairs and see them both rush in here quickly. I put my book down. Caleb helps and cleans me up a bit.

"Here. Some sweatpants and a towel, Jake do you have the bag?" Caleb panics. After changing. They help me rush down the steps as we exit the house immediately. Jake takes his car having me and Korra sit in the back as he speeds to the hospital. Contractions keeping hitting and I feel the water absorbing in the towel. Once we get to the hospital they rush me into a room immediately saying the baby is ready to come out.

"Caleb, please!" I exclaim. He changes into some scrubs and a hair net thingy to keep his hair out of the way.

(Warning this is graphic and she's giving birth you can scroll past it at your own risk)

"Okay, ready? You got this Korra. I believe in you," Caleb says as he stays near me and let's me squeeze his hand as hard as I can. I moan through the pain as I push.

I stop and try to breathe. A flashback gets through my head. Or a vision.

My child is on Caleb's Lap. She puts Whip-cream on his nose causing him to laugh. I take a picture at the moment cherishing it forever.

"AHHH!" I exclaim as I continue to push when I come back to reality.

"Korra, you got this. C'mon, Love," Caleb says as I squeeze his hand. Moaning through the pain of this damn labor.

"You're almost there," The Doctor says. I push one last time groaning and moaning through it to help me. All of a sudden ...

The sound of a baby crying roars through the room. They put her in a blanket handing it to me. I swear I experienced Love at First Sight.

"Congratulations, it's a girl," the nurse says as I hold the baby for a minute. I smile as I look at this gorgeous human being that I'm holding in my arms.

"Hello, baby girl," I mumble softly. I let Caleb take her as he smiles down at her just the same as I did. They press on my stomach to get the placenta out of my body. Which it does eventually but I wanted to hurt the nurses for doing that. They take the baby to examine it and clean it. They clean me up as well.

"I want my baby," I whine as I lie in the bed with my gown and blanket. I was exhausted but I wanted her.

"We will have her soon, Korra. Don't worry," Caleb says to me. He places a kiss on my lips and I smile afterwards. That wasn't so bad. I'm tired but I only want her.


They bring her in an hour later. I hold her in my arms. She yawns then falls asleep against my chest. I melt in awe as I watch this adoring baby lay on my chest asleep.

"She looks like you, Caleb," I say to him. He chuckles at me and sighs.

"She has your eye color," Caleb says as he stays next to me while I hold her. I feel myself grow tired and my eyes start to get droopy.

"I'll take care of her. Why don't you rest," Caleb says to me placing a kiss on my forehead. He takes her into his arms. She yawns again then sleeps once again. I smile shyly at the scene in front of me. As I let myself fall into a deep sleep.


February 26th, 2020. Caleb Finn and Korra Langford has their baby girl. She looks like Caleb ❤️

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