45. Korra - It's Positive

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I bought three tests from the dollar store. I know ... ridiculous but I've been feeling sick lately. I buy them along with a protein shake. I get into Jakes car and he takes me back home.

"So you're going to update me right?" Jake questioner when he parks at my driveway. I sigh as I know Caleb is possibly at home.

"I'll update you," I smile at him. He nods. I get out of the vehicle and walk towards the door. I unlock the door, closing it after I enter my home.

I rush upstairs putting the tests in my closet. I get into my pajamas. Get under my comforters and slowly feel sleep take over me.


I get done throwing up once again. I grab the test and open it. I take the test and set it on the counter waiting for the results to show up as positive or negative.

I text my co-workers to tell them I'm going to be late to work tonight. They understand completely. I grab my test and little did I know... Two pink lines show up on the test.

"Fuck," I whisper yell. Maybe it's just a false positive it happens you know? I wrap it up in toilet paper throwing it in the trash can.

"What am I gonna do?" I question myself out loud. I run my hands in my hair due to frustration. Then something hit hard ... What the hell am I gonna tell Caleb?!


The next day I throw up again. I hate morning sickness so damn much. I flush all the puke down the drain. I open the test then once again. I take it then set it on the counter waiting again. My heart begins to race as I fear of what the test will be once again.

I pick it up to see two pink lines known as pink once again. I shake my head.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I exclaim. I can't believe this is happening! I'm not even -

I hear a knock on my door. I wrap the test in toilet paper and throw it in my trash can. I rush to the front door. I look to see it's Jake. I open it wide enough to let him into my home.

"So?" He asked.

"It's positive," I say immediately. He runs his hands through his hair. Yeah, I can't believe it either.

"It's Caleb's isn't it?" He asks. I don't say anything as I look down at my stomach. I put my hands on it carefully and slowly.

"Yeah," I respond. He walks towards me slowly. Pulls me in for an embrace. Let's just say it eases my nerves.

"Are you even ready for ... one?" He asked me. It's odd how I ended up being the knocked up before Kasey and Jake.

"I don't think so but the only thing I worry about is how the hell do I tell Caleb?" I asked him. Jake shrugs then looks around my house.

"Give it some time. We can make a doctors appointment. Confirm it or not, look at some options and then you can decide whether to tell him or not," Jake explains. Let's just say, he may be an airhead but he has a point.

"Okay. Thanks Jake," I hug him once again. He hugs back. I smile at him after we pull apart.

"So have you and Caleb made any plans?" Jake asked. I think about that question for a minute. I tap my chin trying to come up with anything.

"Oh! We plan on going to the arcade tomorrow. Are you and Kasey going?" I shrug as I glance at her stomach.

"I'm gonna go make an appointment. See ya soon?" I question. He nods as he heads out the door. Sigh.


It is currently 9:00am and my appointment is in ten minutes for my checkup. I sit in the waiting room with my brother beside me.

"Thank you for being here," I say to him.

"Anything for my little sister. Plus, Kasey has been getting on my nerves lately," He explains to me. I nod as we sit in silence once again. Then I want to ask him more.

"How has she been annoying you?" I question. My curiosity building up with more and more questions I cannot ask because I may not get answers to them.

"Her drama bullshit. She's been a bitch to you and Caleb," Jake seemed like he had his own opinion about our sister.

"Korra Langford," We hear my name being called by one of the nurses. I take a deep breath in and slowly exhale as I stand up and follow them.

"How have you been?" She asked me.


"Good." She replies. We get into a room. She has me take my shoes and sweater off. Getting my weight and height. Also does my vitals.

"So you're here for a pregnancy test check up?" I nod, "Okay lie on your back." She runs her hands across my underwear line. Then slowly puts her hand on my stomach.

"You have a little bump going on. Have you taken a pregnancy test?" She asks. I nod once again.

"Okay. I'll have Dr. O'Malley check you," She says.

"Okay." Is all I say in return. As she disappears.


"Korra Langford? Hi! I'm Doctor O'Malley. So the nurse tells me you believe your pregnant. Along with you've taken some At Home tests?" She asks.

"Yes," is al I respond to. She gets an ultrasound and some jell.

"Just a fair warning. It's cold," I nod. As she lifts my shirt up and puts the jell on my stomach. As she does the ultrasound.

"There it is," She says pointing at the screen. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as she shows me the little grape size thing that's in my body.

She turns off the ultrasound. Wiping off the jell from my stomach.

"Can you take these off?" She asks. I take off my shorts and underwear as she examines my area.

After examining me and the fetus growing inside of me. I stare at the ceiling remembering how Caleb and I forgot protection.

"You are seven weeks into your pregnancy," The Doctor confirms. I take a deep breath in.

"Here is a couple of papers. Be careful of what you eat. No smoking and drinking. By the looks of your vitals you seem sober for a while. A serving of healthy foods at least twice a week. And you can schedule another appointment with us," the doctor smiles at me.

"Okay. Thanks," she nods. I put my clothes back on along with my shoes. She leaves my bedroom. As the nurse comes in for another check up to make sure I'm healthy before I go.


"So?" Jake asked.

"It's confirmed. I have an appointment in two weeks from today. I'm apparently due in March," I say. Jake nods as we head to the car.

"Want to go eat?" I nod as we leave the clinic.

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