38. Caleb - Surprising her

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Kasey, Jake, and I sit at the airport waiting for Korra to finally get home. I shake my right leg anxiously being patient as best as I can knowing her flight will be here in ten minutes.

I can't stop thinking about her. That call she made, made my life. I cannot thank her anymore for basically telling me she was safe. The nightmare about Zach startled me. I grew concern until she officially called me.

The feeling of her lips I missed. The way she made me nervous, or tongue tied. The butterflies that erupted in my stomach. The way her soft hands ran down my back or when they tangled in my curly hair. I just wanted her again, need her I meant.

I want to make things official. I need to know answers to my questions I have to ask. She was different. Unique, talented, quiet, kind, caring, selfless, brave, strong, powerful, etc. The list goes on. No words could describe how I felt about Korra Langford. None really could.

I get more and more impatient as each minute passes by.

"She'll be here. I promise," Jake said to me. I nod as I look at her gate. Waiting at any moment to see her again.

"Okay." Is all I say. It'd be rude if I didn't say anything at all. In all honesty Kasey was getting on my nerves. I don't know if she knows that I'm "TikTok Famous" or what's the deal but I'm not feeling comfortable around her presence.

"Five more minutes," Kasey said. I groan in frustration as I stand up pacing back and forth. This is driving my brain insane. I wanted to see her. This was killing me.

I want to do everything with her. Play Legend of Zelda, Luigi's Mansion, Minecraft, etc. Little did I know I heard her gate being back.

I look around for her. I look at Kasey and Jake. Jake began recording. Weird, I know. I see a bunch of people but I realized hopefully she will see me soon. Or eventually. I sigh as I continue to look for her. I was on the verge of giving up until;

I make eye contact with someone. That someone happened to be Korra. Korra covers her mouth. As she runs towards me with her bag in her hand. She dropped it next to mine running into my arms. Almost knocking us down.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly. This time was different. I missed her so much you have absolutely no idea.

"I miss you," Korra says through my sweater. I'm assuming she's crying because her eyes are glossy when she pulls away from the hug.

"I miss you too. You have no idea," I say in return. Causing her to smile at me. I pulled her to me again. Feeling her warmth again. We hug for the longest time before we pull away.

"Let's go get your luggage," I say to Korra. Kasey hugs Korra. Jake does as well twirling her at the same time.

"Jake put me down!" She giggled. Jake finally did. We all walked to the Luggage claim. As we waited for Korra's suitcase.


She and I got dropped off at her house. Which is where my car is at. So we could talk ...

"I miss my bed," She says and plops down onto it. I smile at her. She smiles again. When she sits up. She pats next to her, I take a seat.

"What even are we?" I asked right away. She looks around her bedroom first than looks at me.

"What do you want us to be?" That question took me off guard more than my own.

"Official." I reply getting nervous with how close she is to me.

"You know what you have to do," She leaned in slowly, as I am too.

"Okay." Her lips were pressed against mine. I kissed back in merry. She slowly pulled away, giving me the most beautiful smile I haven't seen in a long time.


I will find time to write two more chapters later today but this might be my only update for today. But I love you all!!

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