20. Caleb - Confronting Me

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It's been a week since she and I had kissed. The last we ever talked. Did I do something wrong? Did I trigger her? I couldn't sleep for the past couple nights. I've done twitch streams like I usually do. Post on my Instagram stories, look at her Instagram. Post TikToks.

I get up grabbing my keys. Heading to her work. She's probably working right now so we just wait and see. As I'm driving to her work, flashbacks kept going through my mind. As soon as I got to the café I saw her taking a girls order. I smile as I enter casually sitting in a booth.

I look at my hands nervous as hell. Korra noticed me. My and her eyes met. She looked away, smiled at the customer and walked away. Ten minutes go by and she walks towards me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked me. I felt anger rage from her. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she had that face that was mixed a few emotions.

"To eat, Langford. Besides you completely ignoring my calls and texts for the past week," I snap back. Felt completely puzzled by all of this.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked me. I shake my head looking at her facial features all together. She does the same and glances away from me.

"Why didn't I tell you what?" I questioned wanting to know what the actual hell has been going on. Why she's been ignorant with me.

"Why didn't you tell me you're famous?" Her voice cracked. All the color left in my face, leaving me completely pale. I look at my lap.

"That explains my increase in followers on Instagram. I went from a couple thousand to 52.6k in over two months. On TikTok, I hit 100k. I didn't understand how it grew so fast until..." she didn't continue I shook my head not believing it.

"Does it really matter that I'm considered 'famous' as you call it? I'm just me, Langford. Why is it a big deal?" I questioned her. I wanted to know. More importantly how did she find out. I know it can't be social media.

"It's not a big deal. I wish you told me or even warned me, Caleb," Korra finishes talking and gets out of the booth. Writing something down on the paper again and handing it to one of her coworkers. Typical Korra. I roll my eyes not believing this was the reason why she has been ignorant.

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