The Premonitions

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The Premonitions
By kristelnaia

They say that when the soul departs, often times they would give premonitions and signs. I was 9 when I had the first encounter.

I have a neighbor/playmate who was murdered by his uncle, her name's Crystal, she was 10 at that time. It was the saddest and most tragic incident in the town where I grew up. She was murdered at the street in front of her mother and a few spectators.

Hours before she was killed, my mom was asked by her best friend who happens to be a nearby neighbor of my playmate to come over to her house. At that time, I really didn't know what was happening. All I knew is that my mom and I went to the house of her bestfriend. We kids were asked to play in the room and they were talking over a serious situation.

It was vague but I did remember telling my mom that my playmate didn't have a head. It's blurry and I can't see the contours of her face and head when we were on our way home. My mom just didn't show any interest on what I was saying.

Next morning, we just knew that Crystal was stabbed and shot by her Uncle at the street outside their home. There were a lot of people who saw the incident, but they can't come any closer since the suspect is armed with a gun and knife. Apparently, she was a rape victim for years and her uncle was the perpetrator, he killed her cause he found out that she had told her family about it. The suspect is her mom's brother.

Second encounter:

Our neighbor died of heart attack during a Church service when I was 12, it was school days and I usually go home for lunch. I remembered greeting him at the nearby store, which is three houses away from our house, he was outside, sitting at the chair.

I can only see the back portion, it's like a head facing backwards, but what freaked me out is first, his legs were faced forward (it's like his head is on 360 degrees), second is that he died at around 9am and I saw him at the store during lunch time or noon. I have just known of his death when I got home a few minutes after.

3rd encounter:

I was 16 at that time; I have a friend who committed suicide and hours before it happened I saw her around the city. Her shirt was bright but she had no head. The next day, I received a call that she had committed suicide.

I have told my mom about it and she told me that I have been telling her things like that when I was a kid. She would just normally ignore so I won't be opening myself from that kind of gift or curse. And so I won't freak out.

I wanted to know what is this thing.

I need to know if this can be cured.

I don't know if this gift can be transferred from ancestors?

My late grandma also has the same gift.

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