I See Dead People

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I See Dead People
by MamaBeetle1

To quote one of my favorite movies. "I do believe in ghost, I do believe in ghost, I do, I do, I do, I do believe in ghost" - the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz.

Here it goes. from the age of 13-16, my family lived in a rented, 100-year old peer-n-beam home, was pretty old and decrepit. anyway, I remember waking for no reason in the wee hours of the morning when I was about 14, I finally had the bedroom all to myself, as I had previously shared it with my sister. anyway, I slept on my stomach with my arm tucked under me with my hands under my chin. upon waking, I suddenly and very distinctively felt a large hand grab my stomach and squeeze. this came right through my mattress! I was so frightened that it paralyzed me. I laid in that same position until the sun came up, which seemed to be several hours. tears streaming out of my eyes onto my pillow. As soon as the sun rose (my window faced East), I hightailed it into my mom's room and jumped between my mom and dad. My mom tried to convince me that it was a dream ... but I know that it wasn't. From that day until the house burned down (I was 15), I slept on a cot by my mom's bed! When the house burned down, it was discovered there was a well under the closet in my room. The house was never rebuilt.

From that point on, my family always said I had a "sensitivity" to the other side from various harmless experiences. When I married and moved away, the home that my husband and I lived in was newly built. My husband was in the hospitality industry, thus I was at home alone much of the time till 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. Oddly enough, I always felt very secure, somehow I knew someone was protecting me. Every once in a while, I would catch a glimpse, from the corner of my eye, of an Indian with long flowing silver/black hair with a woven blanket wrapped around his shoulders. You might say, he kept me company when I felt lonely.

However, my next encounter was not so pleasant! My husband was transferred, so we move to a new town with much history (San Antonio, Texas). Our leased condo was very modern, the last place you would expect a poltergeist. I say poltergeist, because he was a prankster ... things would go missing, or misplaced, and then turn up in odd places, doors would close (or move with me watching) ... after we had been there about 6 months, the lights in the dining room would mysteriously turn off and on ... and dim (the switch consisted of a round knob that you would push to turn on, and turn to dim (this spooked me being there late at night by myself) ... of course I called an electrician, but everything checked out. We had 2 cats, and for no reason, they would snarl and run out of the room. As usual, at night, we would lock them out of the bedroom ... one night, I woke up around 3:00 a.m. just gazing at the ceiling, there room had large, high windows which allowed the shadows from the tree branchs to transfer onto the walls, so I was watching them sway to and fro ... suddenly, I felt something walking up the side of my mattress where I lay ... making impressions as if someone had jumped upon the bed and was walking on the mattress .. I froze, then, just as it got to my head, it turned and stepped on my chest ... it took my breath away, so much that I flung my arm across my husband's face and he bolted up ... I told him what had happened ... he kept trying to tell me that it was one of the cats ... but then he realized the cats were on the other side of the door meowing to get into the bedroom. I assume they were hearing the commotion and wanted to investigate. We had just closed escrow on a new home and moved within a week.

I've never embraced being sensitive, I'm now 44 years old, and although I have lost both parents, I will probably never embrace it ... I do not want to make the mistake of inviting anything evil, or unwanted into my home ... OK ~ call me CRAZY ... I don't know if it is paranoia or fear, but I would NEVER allow a Ouija board in my home!

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