Haunted Office

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Haunted Office
by JEP

Year 2003-2006, I worked as a Data Encoder in one of the oldest building in Binondo (so called Chinese community) when I had most of the ghostly experiences in my life. I was new at the company and very excited because it was my first job. My shift starts at 8:30am-5:30pm. I used to go to the bathroom and fixed myself first before going to my cubicle and do loads of work until my shift ends. In this case, I don't have any time for spooky encounters or to listen to what my officemates usually do.

Let me give you a short description of the bathroom, before you reached the bathroom area, you need to pass a small hallway and at the front door, there's a plant that was given by the famous NOSTRADAMUS OF THE PHILIPPINES-JOJO ACUIN (My boss' friend). We had a single bathroom and the door was kind of transparent that you can see the form of the person outside of it. Once you enter the bathroom, at left side, there's a big oval-shaped mirror, sink and there's a toilet bowl facing the door, on the right, there's a faucet and a pail, at the top is the shower. (really small).

Now, my first encounter was around 5:30-5:45pm (bathroom area), I spent 15 minutes after my shift to the bathroom just fixing myself! Hehe! But that day changed my bathroom routine. While I was peeing, I heard a knock outside and I saw a human shadow about 5'9" tall. At first I thought it was one of the receptionists, since she was the tallest of us all. I said "Wait Ma'am Evs, I am peeing!". No one answered. Then, another knock. I got irritated and said "Wait, I'm not done yet, wait for your turn, ok!".

Then the knocking stopped, still, there's the shadow outside and somewhat, waiting for his/her turn. Then, my moment was done, I opened the door and no one was there, only the plant! Well, I'm not scared because I thought she got bored and waited for me outside instead or maybe it's just the reflection of the plant but the KNOCKINGS gave me a second thought. So, I went to the reception area and asked her, "Ma'am, are you the one who's been knocking in the bathroom?" She replied "No; I'm here at my desk, never moved!". Then, I asked the rest of the employees, I also got the same answer, "No one has moved to go to the bathroom since we're not going home yet". That's when I got spooked and asked them, "Then, who's the tall person who knocked me there, 2 times?". They just smiled at me.

At first, I just thought it was some kind of a joke but Beth (one of the pioneer encoders) told me that she used to stay there too for about 15-20 minutes after shift but when somebody had locked her for about 30min, she swore not to go there alone especially after shift. I told her, maybe one of the employees wants to tease her but all of them at that day confessed that no one has ever done that and it's impossible for the door to be locked since she's in control of it inside. No one heard her scream until one of the employees went to check on the lights before closing and noticed that the bathroom lights are still on. Thank God! Someone noticed!

Second encounter was when there's a nationwide blackout! After lunch, I went to the bathroom and took a rechargeable lamp with me and locked the door to do my 5min. Routine. Yes, you heard it right, from 15mins went down to 5mins. While I'm having a toothbrush, the lights flickered; I mean not the rechargeable light, the one that was on the ceiling! I felt weird but happy because I thought that they were fixing the electric supply and there will be lights soon! So I ignored it. Then, before I reached the doorknob, I felt like someone was looking at me from the mirror followed by a light wind passed over me and the lights flickered again.

This time, I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone in that area and it's really impossible for the wind to get in because I haven't opened the door yet and there's still no electricity. I opened the door immediately and ran. Afterwards, I still asked my officemates just to make sure if someone was fixing the electricity, they all said "None! Besides, it's a nationwide blackout and the main box was switched off so it's really impossible for the lights to flicker!". Well, they have a point!

Third encounter, around 3:15pm, I went to the bathroom again to have a pee break. I opened the door and went out but the weird thing is when I already reached the hallway, I heard a flowing sound of water coming from the faucet. I went back to check and surprise! The faucet was opened! As far as I remember, I have never opened the faucet when I got there because the toilet is an auto-flush and there's no reason for me to open it. I'm very sure of that!

Afterwards, I went to see one of the helpers to check on the faucet if there's any problem, but he checked and told me that "Ma'am, this faucet is in good condition, no problem at all and you need to turn it on first before the water flows, maybe you forgot to turn it off when you went out!" I replied, "That's my point, I never opened it for the fact that I don't need to open it". He replied "Well Ma'am, maybe you're just being played/goofed around by the entities living in this area?". Then I said "Ok, you're scaring me too much, let's go!". We both went out.

Fourth Encounter, Computer Room. My boss held a mini celebration that day. After the party, my boss went home and the only ones left were Beth, Dana, and me. Since Beth bought a new cell phone, we tested the video function. Beth decided to take a video of the whole room to show it to her family. We tried to video each of our own cubicle all the way to my boss' desk. The weird thing is, we captured a human form sitting on my boss' chair with a yellow shirt! We went back again but no one's there. We replayed the video again and there's really someone sitting on that chair! We ran outside as fast as we could!

The next day, we showed it to other secretaries. Some got scared; others had a theoretical explanation about it. Anne (one of the secretaries) said: "Maybe it's just a reflection of the light?" Dana replied: "That's impossible. How can a reflection of light be in a human form? Besides, the room's paint color is white and the boss' chair is red and the desk is brown. It's really impossible to get a reflection of a human form and us three took the video." -Discussion ended!-

Fifth encounter. Monday morning, we all know that it will be such a busy day for all of us. But this Monday morning is very different. No one wants to work before lunch time especially US (encoders). Dana went out and we just thought that she forgot to close the door but we noticed that the door keeps opening and closing on its own as if there's someone tries to go in and out of the room. It is impossible for the door to act on that way because it was made with NARRA (thick-heavy-good quality wood). The door continuously moved on it's own, we decided to go out, all of us, and we were really scared.

I told my boss about the haunting in the bathroom and in the computer room. I asked him about the history of the place but he just smiled at me and said, "Some things should not be told". I am very disappointed. Up until know, even if I'm not with the company anymore, I still want to know more about it.

I will be happy to share other stories that I have encountered for the past years. Thank you for reading!

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