Chapter 16

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The door swings open slowly letting out some fragrant air and revealing a middle aged beautiful lady with a serene smile. Her delighted blue eyes very similar to Caleb's, land on him on seeing her beloved son embracing him in a hug.

"Oh my munchkin! I missed you.", her fragile voice said. I was happy for him that he can at least hug his mother. I wish I could hug mine too.

"Mom, it's great to see you." He pulls back and as soon as he does, her eyes dart towards me and narrow in the deepest pit of her face. I really didn't expect this reaction. Her face suddenly became from sweet lady to stubborn warrior in a fraction of seconds as her orbs landed on my now timid self.

"You!", she scolded. "How dare you stand before me?", I wasn't expecting this reaction from a predicted sweetest lady on the planet, as told by the person beside me.

"Sorry....I uh..."

"Get away from my sight! Leave!", I was shocked, unable to process as to why I'm hearing such harsh words from her. As I was about to open my mouth to say something, Caleb stepped in between us and I hid behind him.

"Mom, what happened? She's my secretary Lorraine. What's the problem?"

"This unworthy woman is your secretary? How can my son appoint the person who destroyed his sister's life? How dare you Caleb?"

What the hell did she just say?!

"What're you talking about? She doesn't even know her!"

"Come inside." And she grabbed him literally dragging him to on of the closest rooms and shut the door. I just stood there staring at the white wood and wondering what conversation they're having. Suddenly this thing popped in my mind to eavesdrop and I slowly approached the door putting my ear on it. I could hear low voices but by God's grace I could make out what they were talking.

"I'm so disappointed in you.", I heard his mother's voice.

"Mom, she doesn't even know that I've a younger sister and what happened to her. And you very well know it was her own fault."

"What? That she fell in love? That she wanted to be with a man your secretary had left heartbroken and is now trying to win him even after knowing that Emily loves him? You're Emily's brother, you should support her. And all you're doing is hang out with that Lorraine girl and discourage your sister."

"Because she's wrong. She's the reason behind their break up, she's the reason behind why Lorraine can get into danger and I'm with her to protect her. I'm doing the right thing mom."

Emily is Caleb's sister?! OMG!!!

My eyes widened, every inch of my got tensed, yet I remained silent and heard the conversation.

"You must protect your sister from that witch. If she can't keep her man why hold on to him and not allow him to love other woman. She doesn't let Daniel be with Emily but herself wants to be with you, you're clearly under her spell."


"She's a great girl mom, you should really get to know her. You'll realize the real bad person is Emily..."

"Shut up Caleb! She's your sister and my beloved daughter. You can't say that about her."

"I'm telling the fact. She even brought a gun at the office. What woman does that?"

"That's a gun her father gifted her."

"Gun is not a thing to be gifted mom, and definitely not a thing to bring at a corporate building and most definitely not to threaten an innocent."

"Yeah, whatever. That's her blood, a daughter of mafia member will do such things. That's not a big deal."

OMG!!! I guess that was enough to make my knees weak and my heartbeat quicken to an unstoppable pace!

"It's good that that person isn't my father. Dad was a much better person than him."

"Have some respect for your step dad. Even if he's given birth to Emily, he's still your father and my husband and he loves his son as much as he loves his daughter. You need to see that."

So Emily's his step sister and their current father is a mafia. Great! What other shocks do I have now?

"Whatever, I'm going out to apologise to Lorraine, and you're gonna be nice to her."

"NO!! Wait! Tell me, how do you explain her dissaperance for a year? And now she's suddenly Daniel's secretary? She's a money seeking bitch honey, stay away from her."

I hear him leave a long sigh and his feet pacing around. This was my cue to dispatch my now hurting ear and heart away from the privacy of a mother and son arguing about my illogical existence in Caleb's and his sister's life. Besides, it was enough of hatred for me to bear all in one day.

I don't know what to do. Hearing venomous words from my dearest friend's mother has shook me to the core and there's not even a slightest fault of mine to receive such pointless hate.

I slowly make my way towards the couch. My body wouldn't bear to stand there anymore. As I plopped down on the soft seat, I noticed a photo frame of Caleb and the last person I would've wanted to see today, Emily, embraced in Caleb's strong arms, both grinning and enjoying at a beach side, drinks in hand. This was the first time I had saw her real smile, she's always thrown her cruel smirks on me whenever we met. She was actually beautiful. How could I've not noticed the similarity in their noses and eyes!

"Get her out of here. NOW!", her words hit me with the hardest pang in my heart. I wiped my tears which I didn't even know were shed, and quickly made my way out of here.


Even in the continuous dripping of water on my now relaxed body in the bathroom, the continuous phone ringing could be easily audible. It must obviously be Caleb, I'm not at all in the mood to talk to him even when his voice is the only thing that can comfort me.

This question rang a thousand times I'm my head, why didn't he tell me Emily was his sister? But then I would realize it wasn't that important and we weren't that close. He doesn't know about Edward, he might have thought that wasn't a big concern.

But then again, if his mother knew me, if Emily's been torturing Daniel, if Caleb knows about Daniel and my relationship, why didn't he warn me or anything? His mother thinks that I'm a threat to her while she's been roaming around with a gun constantly warning us.

And the biggest question if Caleb knew her actions, why didn't he stop her if he cared about me? Why didn't he stop her if he knew she's worng? Why didn't he explain to his mother about the truth and that it has never been my fault?

Or does he support her in doing what she's been doing all this time keeping me without any idea about all this mess? 

But why??


Soooo soorryy for the late update guys! Had tons of issues. I'll try to update regularly. Please bear with me and support me as you've done till now. Your support is everything I need!

Stay tuned!

Love ya!

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