Chapter 6

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"Handsome, isn't he?", Caleb said slamming me back to reality. Seriously? He caught me staring at Daniel! As well as complimented him, is it normal that guys complement guys?!

"Um....who are you talking about?", I said sipping my drink nervously only to receive his laugh. I frowned and when I looked up from my glass, I met his bright blue eyes filled with amusement. I couldn't help but smile. He's really cute when he smiles.

"The new hot CEO." Come on! You're hotter! Well, I can't deny he's more good looking than Daniel in every aspect and even sexier. I had to shake my head slightly to rid his thoughts. I can't be attracted to my senior for God's sake!

"Well, he's my boss. I'm his secretary."

"Oh.", he mumbled after a moment and put down his empty glass on the table while mine had half of it filled. I look at him staring at a distance which made me frown on his sudden change of mood. He looked kind of taken aback.

"What's wrong?", I said stepping closer to him. His eyes flicked to mine with such intensity that I thought I would drown in them. They were so captivating, welcoming me to swim into them yet his face was serious.

"I was thinking I could keep you as my secretary. Would you've minded if you were not his and that I hired you for myself ?" His question made me think for a moment. Of course I wouldn't! We've met for the first time in our lives and he's been so nice to me just at our first meet.

"I wouldn't.", I said with a smile making him grin wide. He left a breath as if he was feeling relieved after a long time.

"That's good. But it's fine if you're his secretary, at least we'll be on the same floor everyday.", he flashed his pearl white teeth and for once I thought I would just watch him smiling like that. Same floor? I guess I might have missed some doors when I started to work here. It was a huge building and I was scared I would get lost. "Let me finish it.", he said grabbing my glass and sipping the drink from the exact spot my lips were a moment ago.

That's so sweet! But why did he do it?!

Soon, it was time for the dance and few of the couples had already started dancing. It was a soft song and I really loved it which seemed to calm me. I thought back to the first time I danced with Daniel, how we were just inches apart and his hot breath tickled my face, I could still feel it now. He never left my eyes the whole time and it seemed like the world had stopped for us at the moment when he whispered 'I love you', all of a sudden and leaned in to kiss me with extreme passion and love.

"Wanna dance?" I guess Caleb had decided to wake me up every time I'm lost in my trance. Well, I don't mind if he does.

"Sure. But it's been a while since I last danced." Its been a while since I've been myself either!

"Me too. Don't worry, they're not gonna rank the best dancers and the worst dancers. Come on." I chuckle and he grabs my hand leading me to the dance floor.

I place my left hand on his broad shoulder and my right in his big warm hand. We sway and move in each others arms in a perfect rhythm of the music. I realized I've completely forgotten about Daniel since I've met Caleb. This man could make anyone forget about anything, any problems.

I look around and find Daniel standing beside Mr Roosevelt and some men talking to him, while he was just holding his glass and staring straight at us. His eyes went to Caleb and for a second I thought he was going to kill him right there before landing on me again. His grip on the glass was so tight that his knuckles had turned white and it seemed that the glass may break any second. I didn't understand why he was so angry. Can't he just accept the fact that I don't want his perverted self again!

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