Chapter #3 1/2:

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>> The cool breeze chilled the old pines. As each day carried on, the wind threatened to strip the trees of their needles. The ground was dense and cold here. No matter what time of year, the sun never seemed to hit this part of the forest. It was as if it were for a reason. "Is this the sky's way of telling us?," a deep voice boomed. The other whispered back,"Keep it down, it might hear us!" The first, snorted in annoyance. "What does it matter. We can't take down a whole deer by ourselves anyway." Ignoring the first, the other lept from it's hiding place and onto the deer. Shaking his head, the first dropped to a low crouch and wriggled out of the thorny branches. As the first crept closer and closer to the struggling deer,  the other scratched at the knocked over deer's stomach. Fur and small streaks of blood slung everywhere, as the two rolled and scrambled with the deer. "I've got it!", the other howled in success, sinking it's teeth into the deer's throat. The first released it's uneasy grip and backed away from the deer. The blood streamed from the deer's neck, seeping into the muzzle of the other. The once bright and flickering eyes of the deer, slowly faded into a a dull lifeless stare. The deer now limp on the cold forest floor, the other also backed away admiring his work. Turning to look at the first, he grinned and said slyly,"Told you."


This is just a little cliff hanger for you guys! ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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