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Song for chapter: Unfuckwittable- Kid Cudi
"Keep on searching for love, who else is incomplete?"


"Man, I promise I'll get you your money just give me a few more days, please!"

I look at the lanky ninth grade boy in front of
me, fear radiating off of him as I have his shirt clutched in my hand.

"You'll get me my money by tonight. Otherwise, you'll be paying more than just thirty bucks," I smirk in his direction, "hospital bills aren't cheap my friend."

"Okay, I'll get you your money man just please let me go." he stutters out nervously. I take one last look at him before I release him from my hold, watching him sprint off back into the school building.

I never imagined I would be in this position; selling drugs to make a living. But, you do anything for family.

My dad is all I have, but cancer decided that I would soon have no one. But for now, my dad was still here— hanging on by a thread.

He was one hell of a guy back when he was still in good health. Everyone feared him, despite his lanky figure, he could still knock someone out within seconds.

I guess it runs in the family.

My mom split when I was almost six; left nothing behind for my dad and I. Her and her boyfriend, now husband, took off with all the money my dad had saved for me and my brothers to go to college one day.

Not like I was planning on going anyways, but it sure could've helped with the situation were in now.

She took my two brothers with her; my twin brother, Grayson, who always stuck by me when our older brother, Tommy, got away with beating me around.

I don't remember much in the five short years I spent with him, but there's always a feeling I get every now and then. A feeling that he's still watching over me.

My dad worked in the local coal mines before he got sick, and the work conditions were the reason he's in this position now.

We tried taking the mining company to court to get back the money he deserved for workers compensation; but of course, our luck was not in our favor.

So now we're barely getting by, every bit of money coming in from selling weed and a couple pills here in there.

Sometimes I wonder if my mom ever thinks about me; thinks about the life she's left behind. But then I remember that she left me for one reason only; there wasn't enough room for me in the car.

I think that itself sums up the love my mother had for me—none.

I hear the bell ring, signaling home room was about to let out. I decide to make my way back into the building before the crowd gets to the hallways.

I make my way inside, seeing a few other stragglers make their way to their designated home room for the last few minutes.

I head to my locker, not caring to show up for my home room— its not like I ever have anyways.

"Yo Dolan!" I hear Cade from behind me. I turn around seeing him jogging up to me, "Where have you been?"

"I'm only 15 minutes late," I get to my locker, finally turning to face him.

"Yeah well you've been gone for almost two weeks," he pauses, "how's your dad?" he asks as his voice softens a bit.

Cade is actually one of the only people I consider a friend; I don't like to waste my time building relationships with people, but with him, he wasted his time building one with me.

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