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Song for the chapter: Daddy Issues- The NBHD.



It's now been a day since I've finished the box of cookies, and I can easily say I will never eat another cookie again.

I'm standing in front of 'the shithole on Norton' which is actually not as much of a shithole as I was expecting.

I head up to the front door, knocking gently. I don't know why I feel the nerves building up in my stomach, I've never had feelings for a girl— ever.

But something about Emma drew me in— when I looked through her piercing blue eyes, all I saw was hurt.

I feel like she gives off the same energy as I do— wanting to not give a shit about people that have left us. But we all know deep down, there's a small part of us that will always care.

I guess that energy fascinated me; and made me wonder why someone as beautiful as her could ever feel the way that I do.

"You trying to break into my house?" I hear her voice from behind me, turning to meet those eyes again.

She stands there with a serious face, making my nerves skyrocket, "what? no." She keeps the straight face, raising an eyebrow at me, "no I swear!"

"I'm just busting your balls," a smile finally breaks onto her face as she makes her way over to the bench, "sit."

I hesitate before sitting, keeping some space between us, "So I take it you finished the cookies or whatever?" she suddenly asks, causing me to chuckle under my breath.

I reach around my shoulder, pulling my backpack around to unzip it, "every last one," I exclaim as I pull out the empty box of cookies, handing it to her.

She smiles, setting it down beside her, "so what's your idea of hanging out?" she questions, resting her body back against the bench.

I sit for a second, thinking of something to answer her question, "I don't know, whatever you're up for."

She stares out into the front yard before she sits up, facing me again, "wanna help me with my chores?"

"Uh, yeah sure, what chores do you have to do?" I ask.

"Killing snakes with a shovel," she rises from her seat, "you in?"



I watch as Emma buries a shovel into a snake, splitting its body in half. The tail still wiggles around a bit, before finally giving out its last bit of life left, "I hate chores." she suddenly speaks.

"So what else do you like to do besides killing snakes and selling cookies?" I speak up as we continue walking through her backyard.

"Not much, just try to get out of this shit hole as much as possible," she stops walking, turning back to me.

I look down to the necklace hanging from her neck, noticing the charm dangling says 'em' on a small lock.

"You staring at my boobs?" she questions, I look back up to her eyes.

"No, just your necklace; it's nice."

She instinctively looks down, grabbing the chain, "oh, thanks; my mom got it for me," she continues to hold onto the necklace— a small smile forming on her lips.

I wanted to ask her about her family, but I didn't want to pry or sound too nosey. It seems like a touchy subject for her.

"So you got any siblings, hobbies, favorite music?" she quickly changes the subject.

"Two brothers who I haven't seen since I was five, I love kid cudi, and not really any hobbies I guess," I pause, "unless breaking shit counts as a hobby."

She laughs, "I'd consider it one."

"What about you? Siblings, hobbies, music? What's your thing?" I ask, hoping I'm not prying too much.

She sighs, "I got two brothers, assholes. I like painting and I love kacey musgraves."

"Who the hell is that?" I question.

"You haven't heard of her? You're missing out man, and kid cudi? Never heard his stuff," she retorts.

"You're telling me you've never even heard The pursuit of happiness? Day n' Night?"

"Sounds familiar, probably have I just don't remember it," she leans her head against the shovel, smirking at me.

"I'll have to change that," I exclaim back, "so you got brothers? Why are they assholes?"

Her smirk falls from her face, her eyes now facing the ground— and I want nothing more than to bring her eyes back to me.

"My whole family are a bunch of shitheads, they don't care about me; and the feeling is mutual. I try my best to make sure nobody even knows I'm one of them."

I feel my heart sink a little bit at her words; she doesn't deserve to feel like this.

"But it's your family; don't you want people to remind you where your from, who you are or whatever?" I ask, gaining her attention back to me.

She's about to answer, but a foot colliding with my back interrupts the conversation.

"Dad, back the hell off!" I hear her scream, looking up to be faced with her father.

"Who the hell are you and why the fuck are you alone with my daughter?" he asks, eyes filled with pure darkness.

I stay quiet, glancing behind him to see who I'm guessing are Emma's brothers. Twins; they sure are dressed like the stereotypical twins.

"Dad just let him go!" she tries to pull him off, but he pushes her away.

"Boys get her out of here!" he turns to them as they obey his orders, his knee is now crushing my ribs. "Now I'm gonna ask you again; what the hell are you doing with my daughter?"

"Buying cookies," I speak up.

"Ethan, don't!" she yells from beside us.

"Emma, what the fuck did I tell you about stealing! You little bitch, give me the money now!" he turns to her, fury igniting in him. I take this as a chance to try to get away from his hold, but he's quick to fight back.

"Oh you think you're smart, huh?" he pushes me back down, keeping a hold on my neck. I glance over to her, seeing tears streaming down her face.

"Emma, give me the money; now!" he screams, focusing back to her. I watch as she takes the rolled up cash from her pocket, shakily handing it over.

He then rises off of me, but I don't move.

"You little bitch, just like you're fucking mother!" he grabs onto her hair, yanking it tightly and pulling her back towards the house, "boys take care of him, make sure he knows not to come back."

I watch as they disappear back inside the house, now focusing on the two guys in front of me.

"Don't fuck with us, asshole," is the last thing I hear before a foot collides with my face.

still working on the playlist, i'll drop the link soon okay ily all

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