992 41 43

Highly suggest to play on repeat.



I stood alone watching Emma dance with a crowd of random girls, completely letting lose and enjoying herself. A smile grew onto my face, happiness flowed through my veins knowing she was mine; knowing she loved me just as much as I loved her.

If it were up to me, I would take us back to the house and not waste another second to make love to the girl of my dreams. I know how cheesy that may sound, but I can't begin to express the way I feel for Emma.

She's changed my whole mindset, my perspective of relationships and love have completely turned; because of her. She's brought out a side of me that I've never shown to anyone.

"You're puppy dog eyes are showing," Lib sneaks up behind me, drawing me out of my strong gaze on Emma. She sips on her drink as her attention focuses on Bri, dancing foolishly with Emma.

"You know, you guys are really in love," she slurs her words, giggling at me. I let out a low laugh at her words, turning my gaze back to Emma.

"Yeah, I know. It's something I never expected to happen to me."

"What? Finding love?" she questions.

"Well that, but finding someone like Emma. Finding someone that makes me want to keep living, even if it's running from our lives back home. She makes me a better version of myself, a version that—

you didn't know existed?" she finishes my sentence. "That's exactly how I feel with Bri, she's amazing."

We both watch the girls as they dance along to the music, falling in a trance. "I can tell you guys are good together, you're both crazy," I laugh, taking a sip of my drink.

"Says the one that drove a motorcycle into a school building."

"Touché," I lift a pinkie to her, taking another sip. The song changes, and the girls make their way over to where we're standing.

Emma comes over to me, throwing her arms around me and pulling me into her lips, leaving a sloppy kiss, "I'm drunk as fuck," she says as she breaks away.

"I can tell by the way you're dancing," I keep my arms latched around her, holding her up for support as she wobbles back and forth.

"What, you don't think it's sexy?" she teases at me, biting her lip.

"Everything about you is sexy, even when you're dancing like an idiot," I move a stray hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

She leans close, pulling herself close to my ear, "just wait till we get home."

"Can we please leave, now?" I question, her getting to me already.

"Just a little bit longer, I'm gonna run to the bathroom," she says, leaning up and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before she scurries off.

It worried me a bit with how drunk she was, running off alone with a house full of strangers. I start to follow her, before I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Hey man, I'm in need of a pong partner— you in?" a random guy asks me.

"Uh, yeah sure," I answer. Emma will be fine, she can take care of herself; or I just am telling myself that to relieve the stress in my mind.

I tap Lib on the shoulder before following the guy to the pong table, "hey, keep an eye out for Emma, she just ran to the bathroom and if she doesn't come back in five minutes; come get me."

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