Chapter 7: The London Bridge

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  The next morning the Sgt Pepper men met back up at the IBMT building along with the Rose Angels.  Nicole clicked on the pager and it made a beeping sound for about thirty seconds.  Next, two red lights popped on the little screen of where they could be on the map.  And they knew exactly where they needed to go.  So they took two cabbies to the London Bridge.  Although, they hadn't got a  plan set on what they were going too do.  

  Nicole explained that they should get off right before the bridge.  So the eight of them stopped at a building before the bridge.  Roxy ordered Billy and Carl to climb up to the stop to see if they could spot them.  Next, Roxy was going to go with Jackie and Nicole to patrol the bridge.  For Sadie she seemed to keep close to Jo Jo, and them held onto there pagers tracking the two bombers.  

Roxy, Jackie, and Nicole walked the sidewalk next too where all the cars were passing by near them.  So far they didn't see anyone suspicious looking but Jackie finds a knitted scarf, she smelled it and it was the scent of German cologne.  She gives it too Roxy to examine.  Meanwhile Billy and Carl were looking up top the building.  They saw some bicyclers go by, a few runners, and other pedestrians.  Although no one that looked like Gorbach and Krushev.  

  Suddenly, Carl spotted a strange looking man in a large grey overcoat, his collar turned upright and his grey fedora tip down, trying to hide his identity.  Carl raised his radio transceiver and called in on Nicole, 

"Across from you on the other side Nicole!  That looks like a suspicious looking man."

"Copy.  We'll get him."  Nicole puts away her radio transceiver into her belt and beckons her friends to follow her.  They knew the plan of what to do, however, when the coated man see the girls he begins to break into a run.  "After him!"  shouted Roxy.

The girl's try to stop him but he was a fast runner.  Soon when Jo Jo saw the man run, he chased after him, he takes out his sword.  Sadie running with Phillips throws a smoke bomb.  The bomb ignites a gas that made the man become lost of where he was.  When the smoke cleared the man turns as Jo Jo raised his sword,

"Stop right there sir!"

The man grunted as he threw in a punch hitting Phillips in the core.  Then Sadie flips and kicks the man to the ground.  The man drew out cocking his gun at her.  Just as he did so, Roxy cocked her gun behind the man's head. 

"Who are you..." Roxy demanded.

The man confessed, "The name's Richenbach Dolly,"

"You have a connection too the bombing sir, your German yes?" Roxy asked putting the gun at the back of his head.  The man panicked,

"Yes Yes Yes I am a connection! Please don't kill me!  For gods sake!"

Jo Jo walked up dusting himself off, "You ought to tell us the truth when we take you back to IBMT."

Richenbach growled, he sneak punches Roxy in the leg. Turns over and grabs the gun out her hand.  Billy and Carl were running to catch up to the others.  Richenbach pulls Sadie and held the gun too her head.  Roxy, Jackie, and Nicole pulled out there guns.  Henry had his sword out along with Jo Jo.  Mr. Dolly spoke,

"You try an shoot me, she'll be dead as well."

"Let her go." Nicole said warning him.

"If I tell you about where Gorbach and Krushev are.  They'll kill me!"

"We're not going to let that happen.  Just tell us where they are Richenbach."  Jo Jo said calmly as he could trying not to panic.  

" I don't believe you___."

  In a split second when Richenbach was about to pull the trigger, quick witted Jo Jo acted in a flash.  He punched the man in the face and knocked the gun of of his hand.  Sadie screamed as she fell to the ground.  Roxy, Henry, and the other two girl's were surprised.  Soon Billy and Carl were there in time to hold off the man with Jo Jo.  And soon they were able to take him back to IBMT.  

  When they were back at IBMT they finally had Mr. Richenbach Dolly explain everything about the bombing of the University with Gorbach and Krushev's plan,

"As said in the files you got.   They indeed were angry and full of rage at the one bank teller, and they wanted revenge.  So they escaped prison to go and bomb the dean of the school in the University of Liverpool.  After you four Sgt pepper fellas came to warn the dean, Gorbach thought it was a great idea to blame you Sgt pepper men that you did the bombing instead of Krushev and Gorbach themselves,"  Richenbach explained.

"And do you know of there current whereabouts?" Henry asked.

"The last place they told me they were heading was Edinburgh, Scotland.  They are planning to do another attack on the famous Edinburgh Castle.  They want to bomb the castle because of there opinion on 'useless old monuments'.  Preferably because of there wanting to create a terrorist base on London."

"Well this is big, and we need to get to Scotland as soon as possible."  Jackie said typing up information on her giant, thick sized computer.  Sadie in the background spoke,

"Why did they get help from you?"

"They threatened me.  I was just going about my day but, they asked for my help, and if I didn't help them they would've killed me!"  

"Understood, well for the Sgt Pepper's Lonely hearts Club Band, and for the Rose Angel's.  Looks like we'll have to be travel too Scotland."  Said Carl Esquire proudly.

"You have to be careful, those men are crazy mad!  They are insane I tell you!" Mr. Dolly spoke.

"Well if we don't have them arrested.  We Sgt pepper men are going to be framed and hunted down forever!  And we won't be able to create music anymore.  With you telling us that they are mad, it won't stop us from catching them." Billy Shears said upset.

"Agreed." Roxy said.

"Excuse me?" Billy said looking over to her.

"Nothing!" She said angrily rolling her eyes.

So Billy, Carl, Henry, Jo Jo, Jackie, Nicole, Roxy, and Sadie planned to made a plane trip too Edinburgh, Scotland.  As for the Richenbach man, he was free too go, without weapons.  The eight of them talked to eachother again of there plan, Jackie thought of bringing the pager would be good although one thing didn't make sense,

"How come we picked up heat signatures, but then we didn't find the two men we were trying to look for?" Jackie asked.

"Beats me, but, I'll be sure to tinker with this a little more."  Nicole said.  

"Then that leaves us to go too Scotland!"  Says Carl.

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