Chapter 4: The Rose Angels

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"When the explosion happened I calculated the blast range.  According to what the machine says, it supposed to be a rather large sized, handmade bomb, built over time of course," Nicole spoke typing on her calculator.  "I've found coordinates on where the next location our bombers might be heading.  It's a landfill near the Lancaster. co building."  Everyone in the room fell silent, thinking to themselves of the situation.  Soon they discussed of how they were going to execute the plan.  

  Then Nicole whispered something into Carl's ear, and he nodded his head.  Nicole then clapped her hands twice.  The ceiling above their heads fell open, 3 girls wearing light pink and black clothes dropped in the room landing like superheroes.  They stood up on there feet facing the four Sgt Pepper men.  Nicole then walked behind the girls and explained,

"My friends, or what you may call them, are the Rose Angels.  Trained in combat, martial arts, and firearms, they are prepared for any dangerous situation."  

"So we aren't allowed to know their real names?" Henry asked politely.

Nicole nodded her head towards the girls.  The first blonde haired woman with blue eyes spoke with a friendly smile, "I'm Jacklin.  I prefer to be called Jackie."  

The next girl with greasy black hair and green eyes spoke with her arms crossed,

"The names Roxy. And I don't like slackers."  Nicole rolled her eyes, "Don't mind her, she's always that serious."

Then finally there was a girl with deep brown curly hair, and dark brown eyes that sparkled. She introduced herself as well,

"My name's Sadie!  I think it's great for all of us to meet new people."

Nicole nodded her head and introduced the Sgt Pepper man to the Rose Angels.  Afterwards, the eight of them planned out where to go and when to track the bombers.  As they were leaving the building, Jo Jo Phillips tapped Sadie's shoulder.  She turned around with a friendly but shy face,

"Oh, its you ha ha!"  

"Yes, I was just curious because I noticed the palm of your hand has a terrible scar mark...W-what is that from, if I may politely ask?"

Sadie's face fell, then she sighed, "It was from my father, a very long time ago.  I got in trouble, and he took a belt and whipped my hand three times as a punishment.  I don't see my father anymore though.  Same goes for my mother..."  She walks away out of the building as he stood there silent and moved.

   Later on, Nicole, Jackie, Roxy, and Sadie rode on bike like motorcycles.  For the Sgt Pepper men, they took a taxi cab to the Lancaster . co landfill just before the main gates.  Next, Billy Shears looked through the wired fencing seeing all the trash, cars, bottles, and boxes everywhere.  He turns around and then jumped up frightened.  Roxy screamed also surprised,

"You wankah'! What the hell are you doin' ere'?!"  

Billy scoffed, "I'm here for the same reason aren't I?  Why are you not with your ninja friends?"

Roxy grit her teeth, "For your information I prefer being alone.  I execute plans BETTER on my own."

Billy smirked, "Well that's too bad for you because I'M here---."

Roxy kicked between his legs, he howled as he fell to the ground.  She flipped her greasy black hair out of her face and said, "You talk to me like that again, I'll do it worse Mr. Shears."

Shears groaned, " can call me....Billy."

Finally, all of the eight members were now already entering the landfill area.  Ahead of them was the Lancaster. co building in the middle of it all.  Nicole did a back-flip and then tossed a tiny beeping techno-ball.  The beeping device made a small "pop" sound.  Carl and Nicole both look at Nicole's wristwatch.  A red light shine of where the target possibly was.  "Bingo!" says Henry.  "Come on let's go, we'll have to split up though."  Jackie spoke.

So Carl went with Nicole, Jackie went with Henry, Jo Jo went with Sadie, and Roxy was forced to go with Billy.  They all found different ways to sneak inside of the building.  Jo Jo and Sadie looked through one of the windows, so far they didn't see anything.  So they went around and climbed the ladder up to the roof near the ventilation tubes.  Sadie clicked her watch but then, she looks up to see that Jo Jo, had already went down the ventilation tube without hesitation.

  She runs, flips, and went down the ventilation tube after Jo Jo.  She found herself a bit out of control as she slid down the silver tubes.  In fact Sadie didn't know where she was going, meanwhile Jo Jo sat near an opening to the next room, he could hear Sadie hit some of the walls and falling through the ventilation tubes.  He snickered a little trying hard not to laugh.

Then her hollering voice became louder, she tumbles and lands accidentally on Jo Jo's lap with her arms around him. In a split second she hastily looked at him exhaling.  Jo Jo surprised looked to her through his glasses. Then, she turns scarlet with embarrassment as fixed her hair anxiously,

"I'm SO sorry...I was er---."

"It's alright.  And I already heard you hitting the silver walls the whole time." Phillips replied.  Sadie rolled her eyes with a smile as she pushed him away,"Oi shuddup! Ha ha!"

Jo Jo chuckled with her, "Now where are we?"

   The two of them looked through the little opening airway gate into the room below.  It was empty but it was an office filled with filing cabinets, a desk, a desk lamp, and a ceiling fan.  Soon they crawled through the tubes onto the next room that may have been more important.  They soon came across another room that was more enclosed and metallic as if it were an interrogating room for prisoners.  Then they crawled on to hear the sound of indistinct conversation.

  They find a main room and large hall filled with people.  They looked through the ventilation gates to see two suspicious looking people who seemed reckless and suspicious looking.  It's only in a matter of time of when the Sgt Pepper men, and the Rose Angels get too them.  One thing that Sadie pointed out was that they didn't know if those two people were the ones that caused the explosion.  That what they needed, is to find information somewhere.  

That's when she remembered the desk room filled with the filing cabinets.  It could have information on the bombing before it even happened.  Jo Jo and Sadie called in on the others about the room and that they needed some help on killing the video cameras that were in the room itself.  The only question is;

Will they not get caught?

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