Set Up for a Blind Date

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Coach Johnson was the only guy that could put the living fear of God into us. We’d been doing the same drill for the past 40 minutes and he still wasn’t satisfied despite the fact all 23 of us were swimming in our own sweat. God, he worked us so hard and he didn’t even know it.

“This is bullshit.” Kieron sighed in between breaths. The rest of the team mumbled in agreement, I mean common – doing suicides for 40 minutes is in no way, shape, or form “fun”.

Wiping the eternal sweat sitting on my brow, I extended my arm to pull Kieron up of the ground; my chest rising and dropping rapidly. “One more drill guys, give it your all and we all go home because I wholeheartedly refuse to run 10 laps” I opened my arms and turned to each end of the field “Of this.”

The rest of the guys stood up as my speech made sense.

Coach Johnson blew his whistle directly in my ear before placing his hand on my bare shoulder. “Nice speech, couldn’t have said it better myself” I nodded and ran to our starting place in the End Zone.

“Guys, new drill. Prepare yourself, this is only for the crème de la crème. Some of you will fail and be put on reserve, some of you will pass out” He walked in front of all of us making eye contact. “And some of you… will come out victorious.” He stopped right in front of me before walking the other way.

“Alpacas. You run from here, 20 yards and back. Then 40 yards and back. Then to the half and back. Then the exact same thing in reverse order.”

“Fuck no. Not this drill again, I couldn’t walk straight for 3 days Coach, don’t do this to us” Kieron threw his hands in the air and most of the team groaned in unwillingness.

“Silence. You bunch of pussies. University record was 3 minutes 27 seconds by Matthew Hayes. But last year Colton” He pointed to me obviously. “Smashed that motherfucker with 2 minutes 54 seconds” The team cheered while I awkwardly shuffled from foot to foot.

“Let’s smash some records. 3. 2. 1.” And then he blew the whistle.

The first 120 yards were fine (20 and back then 40 and back) but by halfway 4 guys were down, 2 were puking and 1 passed out. Kieron was keeping pace with me as usual as we made it back from the halfway line.

My instincts violently kicked in as I imagined I had to run to save Erica, my little sister. My legs were pumping mercilessly against the ground, my heart was banging on the doors of my ribcage as I pushed harder and faster.

120 yards were left and I felt invincible, the wind slapped me full force but it didn’t stop me at all.

Sooner or later it went from 100 yards to 80. 80 to 40. 40 to 20. I hit the End Zone faster than a lightning bolt, grabbing my imaginary sister from Alpha Tyrel. And then I fell to the ground, sitting on my legs and grabbing as much air as I possibly could.

Kieron joined me on the ground after a couple seconds gasping for air like I was. “Bruh. You’re a beast oh my gosh. I think you smashed your own record.” I stood up and looked at the field, 23 pairs of footprints destroyed half of the field, but three pairs of footprints stood out more than any other pair.

Mine. Kieron’s. And…. Everett’s.

“Colton Hayes. You did it again. 2 minutes 52 seconds. Congratulations! No practice for the rest of the week” Coach said hovering over me with a creepily large smile on his face.

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