Part 5- couples

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Well its morning, let me go freshen up and head for the spa, my face is in a mess

"Mom!!! Can you drop me off at the spa?" I said shouting at the top of my voice

And no one replies, so i just take my bath and wear a patching palaso and body hug top and head downstairs

"Mom, i said can you drop me off at the spa?" I said as i saw her walking to the dining table

"No problem, but i will still pick you up later, so i will call you" she said

"Alright mum, no problem" i said not caring

So i ate my breakfast in a hurry so i can book the appointment and have my spa treatments


"Byeee.....see you later" i said  waving at mom as she just dropped me off

"Am coming by 2:00 so get ready before then" she said warning me

And she drove off. As i was going i met him again.....i met Harry

"Hey, what are you doing here in the spa?" He said looking surprisingly confused

"Am here to wash their dishes, as you can see" i said sarcasm dripping from my tone like the last content in a jar

"Hahaha very funny" he said faking a laugh

"I just asked though" he still added

"Well am here to get my face treatment" i said nicely

"Well thats nice, we can as well enter together" he said swinging his hand in the direction of the door

"Okay, lets go" i said walking to the door

We entered and the place was a big beautiful place, then a waitress walked up to us and said

"Good day, the couples section is that way" she said pointing to the room by my left

"Noooo, you must be mistaken, we are not......infact we didn't come together" i said trying my best to convince the waitress

"Yah she is right, we aren't couples okayy" Harry added

"Ohh sorry ma'am, sorry sir, for the misunderstanding " she said looking sorry

"No problem" i said smiling at her

At this point everywhere was silent making every person's move very awkward

" please where is the booking area?" I asked the waitress

"That way" she said pointing

"Thanks alot" i said

As i was going to the booking area, i turned back to ask Harry what he wants to do, but i didn't see him there and when i asked they said he left so i didnt really care. So i booked my appointment and waited in the waiting section

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