Part 7- replacement

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Author's note: hey guys💗...I noticed some of you guys don't like the back and forth change between the POVS, soooo I decided to change that from this chapter on. From now on I will be writing this whole story only in hilda's POV except on important occasions where we will want to know what harry thinks about it. Xx


Well that was quite a meeting....

After my mom picked me up from the spa and the very funny but annoying conversation between me and Harry

I firstly headed to the shower to freshen up cause I was fucking tired. I came out of the shower minutes later and went to my dressing mirror and put my hair up in a messy bun and wore some shorts and a tank top just to air my body a bit. And that's when my phone which I kept on the bedside table starting to ring

I lazily strode over the my bed side and picked the phone up checking the caller id first to see it was kenzi calling...immediately a smile plastered my face as I answered the phone

"Hey kenz" I first said smiling

"Hilsssssssss!!" Her tiny voice screamed almost deafening me "today after you left school quite early guess what happeneddddd???"

"Wow thanks kenz you have finally succeeded in deafening me...I appreciate" I said sarcasm very clear in my voice

"Don't be such a buzz kill hill" my very close friends call me that always saying 'hilda is just too long to say rather we call you hill'

"Yeah whatever, so what happened today after I left?"

"Well.....I just got invited to my first party after school!!" She shrieked through the line

Well let's just say kenzi wasn't very popular at our school, don't get me wrong she wasn't a freak either...she just wasn't known. I don't mean to brag but I'm quite the 'deal' in school but I don't let it get to my head and I hang out with her and my other friends because I know they are the true ones

"Hello??? Hill you there?"

"Yeah sorry...zoned off a little. Kenz I'm so happy for you!" I said equally trying my best to shriek to let her know I'm happy for her

"Well the person that invited me invited you too of course" I could even hear her rolling her eyes

"That's awesome, so when's the party and who invited us?"

"Its this friday and its David Beckham who's hosting it"

"Okay okay see you tomorrow" i sent kisses through the phone and ended the call

Speaking of which, david Beckham was one of the most popular guys at Cobham high, so if you ever get invited just know you are veryy lucky.
So I just finished up and headed downstairs to go get lunch cause it wasn't even evening yet and my tummy is getting really angry at the moment.

"You ready?" My mom asked from the kitchen whilst setting the table and putting chicken fillets on each plate and juice of course

"Yup" I said popping the P

"Well help yourself out" she said gesturing to the already plated meal

I couldn't wait so I was already seated helping myself out, oops did I mention the smell was amazingggg.
We finished eating in silence, not an awkward one but a comfortable one and headed to my room. I didn't have any assignments sooo I just went on Netflix and continued watching 'On my Block' and later fell asleep.


"Urghh fucking hell" I cursed as the sunlight from my window shone directly in my face, well it didn't see where else to go bother.
It was the next day and I needed to go to school. I stretched a little and headed to the shower and came out minutes later, I went to my wardrobe and picked out a short plad skirt and a light pink cute little top...then went near my dressing mirror to put on little little makeup I mean just mascara and my cherry lipgloss and just let my hair fall at my back and I'm ready to go to school.

I head down stairs and get my breakfast and off I go to school.
When I arrive I'm greeted by kenzi, Linda and Ariel my best friends.

Linda is a very curvy and beautiful girl with short coffee brown hair and brown eyes and she is quite short but not too short.

Ariel on the other hand is tall like an inch or two taller than me with green eyes and dirty blond hair, when I say she is one of the most beautiful girls in this school trust me I'm not capping

"Hey hill" I am first greeted by linda

"Wassup guys, ya'll look gorg" I tell all three of them

"Same" they say simultaneously

So we hear the first bell which signals that its time for class. I have maths in my first class and I have it with all three of them, so we headed there straight on. When we entered the classroom we got seated at the middle row of the class and all of us are currently waiting for mr. Dubrow to enter the cla--- oh there he is.

"Goodmorning guys" mr. Dubrow said getting the attention of the chattering students

He was in his early thirties and quite good looking

"Gawking at him?" Kenzi asked nudging my shoulder and wiggling her brows and that ew smile on her face

"Shut your trap" I snapped playfully

"Pay attention!" The teacher said staring at the both of us

So we all started the class and got to work, it didn't take much time before we heard the bell signalling it's time for our second class

I was having English literature so neither of my friends were offering it so we bade goodbye

"See ya" ariel said as she walked to her class

"Yeah I'll see you guys later" linda said equally heading to her next class

"Byeee" kenzi waved also doing the same

So that left me, so I headed to my class, when I entered the class room it was quite noisy and when I looked up to the front of the class to check if our teacher was there, she was no where to be found.....that explains the noise

"Wassup bitchhh" Alex said hugging me

Alex was quite a character, he just recently came out of the closet and was really nice and all that you feel me?

"There's way too much noise in here" I said loudly even though he was just inches away from me just to exaggerate my point

"I know right, miss. Caro hasn't come to class yet and we do---" he was interrupted by our principal as he made his way into the class

"Settle down guys I have someone I want to you guys to meet!" He said at the top if his voice

We all took our seats as the noise died down and look at the front of the class as he made the announcement or so

"Miss. Caro has resigned" he announced, that explains why she isn't around

"Andd we have a replacement, his quite young and I don't want you guys taking advantage of that" he said looking at everyone of us with knowing eyes as he continued

"Mr. Harry will be your new replacement and he is quite good at what he does, so please come on in" he said gesturing to the door for someone to enter

And that's when I saw him, that same face, that same smile, his the guy from the park, that same guy from the spa. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE!!???

"Goodmorning guys" he said giving his award winning smile. He was looking around until his eyes landed on me, his gaze lingered...he kept staring until he was shook out of it

"Do what you have to do" my principal said giving him a nod and left

I was pretty sure my mouth had dropped at that moment


Author's note: hey guys, I really don't know whether you all like long or short chapters, so I'll just keep it subtle.
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