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-Hi there everyone! Quick authors note! Before you continue, I would like to clear some things up. I'm thrilled and ever so grateful that this book has received as many reads/views as it has, and will forever love each and every one of you for reading through it! When Love Is Forgotten, though, is not fully edited yet and may contain plot holes and grammar mistakes every now and then. So, to keep in mind while reading any further, this is not to the best of my writing abilities due to not being fully edited and proof-read, but will happen soon in the future. Thank you, hope you enjoy!-


The cold air whipped across my small, pale face in thick strides; sending Mason to wrap me up in his arms. I smiled, grabbing his hands locked around my stomach and holding them tightly.

"I love you," I told him, nuzzling into his broad chest. He squeezed me in his arms from my response, but without saying anything more, let me go and walked on closer to the lake which we stood before. The cold December weather had laid a fine layer of ice over the once flowing blue water, which he threw a rock upon and cracked ever so slightly. "Don't you love me back?" I asked sadly, trudging over to him in the snow, as he stared out into the frozen lake.

"Of course I do, Auburn. I mean, we are engaged," he replied, looking back to me with a tender smile. I smiled back, but looked away from him in the end. "I better be going, though, you know how much work demands of me," he said, kissing me on the cheek quick and rushing back to his red sports car in the parking lot behind us.

Mason and I always drove separate cars, just in case one of us had to leave earlier than the other, like today for instance. "See you soon my lovely bride to be!" he waved, before hopping into his car and starting it up.

"Bye," I said with a grin, as I watched him drive off into the golden setting sun. It was then I knew I had to do what was right and ran up to my small blue minivan in the parking lot as well. Mason seriously thought he could get away with this. I thought to myself, as I jacked open my icy car door and slipped into the soft driver's seat.

He's so stupid. I thought once more, before pushing my keys into the ignition, waiting a few minutes so he wouldn't see me coming up behind him, and pulling the car into drive. It started up with a loud thudding noise, before finally doing what it was made for and moving towards the highway. Knowing already that there were no cars around from how far back the highway was from actual civilization, I stepped on the gas and steered my way into the right lane.

The snow fell down heavily on my windshield as I picked up some speed, trying my best to follow the tracks Mason left with his car before me.

"And to think he was going to go through with the marriage!" I screamed, pounding my white, cold fists onto the steering wheel as I raced up my speed to sixty miles per hour. It was then, though, that the snow fell down heavier in what seemed like a blizzard, making it almost impossible to see.

I hate winter. I bitterly thought, picking up my speed to an even higher one of seventy, as I saw Mason's tracks turn right onto Crossfield Street which we lived on together. And to think he was going to go through with the marriage. I kept thinking to myself, as I slammed on my brakes to make sure I would be able to hit the right turn and catch Mason in his act before it was too late.

Instead of turning like I had planned, however, I felt the brakes lock up horrifyingly; sending the car spinning in all sorts of circles before my eyes. No, no, no. I thought to myself, as I tried steadying it from its turning pace and bringing the vehicle back to my control.

Devastatingly, doing that made the car spin out even worse and within the second, it flipped over into the curb; my body tumbling around the car from forgetting to buckle myself in. Windows bashed in violently, as my body hit up against them and was flung out onto the cold, fallen snow. Everything went silent then, as the car came to a stop in the middle of the deep curb beside me and I blacked out completely...

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