Midnight Snack

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Lungs on fire, eight year old Arthur darted through the forest, desperately trying to keep his tears at bay - why was he so emotional? Was it because of that frog, forcing himself into his life, was it being alone with no one to comfort his aching heart? Or was it his lost item, an object he treasured so highly that he had made a bag so he could carry it wherever he went, just so he wouldn't ever have to part with it?

Well, whatever it was it stung, but not as much as his aching legs, which weaved him in and out of oncoming trees and over various stones. After running for so long, the boy felt as though he would collapse, what with his light headedness blurring the mass of moving colours due to the lack of oxygen he was inhaling.

Yet the boy had remained adamant, determined to prove he could best his foolish emotions, foolish emotions which alowed him to succumb to his fury and retreat into the nearby forest, proving that he was indeed the coward he denied being.

Not paying enough attention to his footwork, Arthur's miniature boot caught a stray root, causing the boy to flail helplessly as he was thrown onto the ground bellow, hands and knees being coated in a mixture of blood and dirt as fresh grazes formed.

A surge of pain coursed throughout his body as his scrawny form connected with the overgrown forest floor with a small pained yelp. Body shaking, the blond sat there, his eyes and fists clenched tightly shut as he attempted to calm his shallow breaths.

Heart pounding still, Arthur focussed more on their breathing, listening as it grew less strained due to his disolving adrenaline. Few heartbeats later, Arthur moved to sit up, wincing at the burning pain in both his palms and kneecaps. Ignoring this, the boy forced himself into a sitting position, scowling at the stray root that had tripped him up.

The forest certainly looked a lot nicer on the inside, Arthur realised. Emerald coated trees circled him, leafs beckoning the boy forward with hushed tones, the grass was thick and lush with various flowers, ranging anywhere from buttercups to bluebells. In which sat a mass of butterflies, wings flapping gently behind them.

The dirt path was- wait, where was the dirt path? Arthur's head snapped from one direction to another in search, catipillar eyebrows furrowed in the realisation that it was nowhere to be found.

" Oh great, now how am I going to get home? " Croaked Arthur, his voice tight as he rubbed furiously at red eyes, attempting to resist the urge to cry. " I-I'm lost and alone again, " He rasped, his voice wavering slightly, " But that's fine, I don't need anyone anyway- " he cut himself off as his eyes landed on Flying Mint Bunny, the limp plushy lying only inches away from him.

Fingers outstretched, his quivering form clamped down onto the miniature creature, his eyes clench shut as he dragged them both against a decrepit oak tree. " It's u-us against the world, isn't that right mint? " Upon receiving no answer Arthur let a stray tear escape as he burried his face into the plush's fluffy exterior.

Hidding from the world like the coward he was, the Brit soon fell into sleep's awaiting arms.

_(┐「ε:)_ |:| Time Skip Porque Nap and I Said So |:| _(:3」z)_

A pair of sleep heavy eyes peeled themselves open, only to be met with the unnerving darkness that consumed the majority of the forest's body, all except for the faint patches of the dappled light that wheedled it's way past olive dipped foliage.

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