The Blink of an Eye

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Vanessa's POV:

I sat at my vanity doing my makeup. I don't know why I was trying. I couldn't stop crying.

"Babe." Brooke called from the hallway, "you better not be crying again."

I didn't answer. Brooke walked through the door.

"I knew it. You gotta stop crying babe." Brooke smiled and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.

"Maybe you need to start crying." I grumbled. Brooke just rolls her eyes.

"This isn't easy, ok?" I said.

"You're being dramatic."

She's right. I am.

"You're acting like someone died, Vanessa."

I sighed. "I know."

Nobody died. I was being dramatic. Brooke was right.

"We have to go. It starts in 2 hours and we still have to pick up the cake."

Right. The cake.

Today is Emma's first birthday. So far, even though I've been crying uncontrollably, it's been okay.

We load Emma into the car and head to pick up the cake. Brooke stayed in the car and I went in to get it. That's when shit hit the fan.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up an order. Last name is Mateo-Hytes."

The worker looked in the book in front of her, and then in the cooler, and then back in the book and I started to panic.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but we don't have any orders for you."
"Excuse me? That's impossible. My wife ordered it three weeks ago."

"I'm sorry but there's nothing here."

I run out of the store to the car without another word.

"Babe, you sure you ordered the cake from here?" I asked through the car window.
"Yeah, why?"

"They're saying that they don't have any orders for us. What do I do?" I ask, tears in my eyes, "we can't have her birthday without cake?"

"Do they have cakes that you can just buy? That you don't have to order? You can just get those."

I nod and do exactly that. I mentally kick myself because it's such a duh moment.

We get to the park where we booked a shelter house, and our friends are already starting to show up.

The party is going well. Emma is with Brooke Lynn being pushed in one of the swings. I watch with a smile on my face. My girls. I think about everything Brooke and I have been through together. It feels like we've lived 5 lives since we first met that summer day. I never thought that she would change my life. Tears sting my eyes. My mom comes over and sits down next to me.

"What's wrong, mi amor?" she asked, "I can see that you're crying."
"Mom, I've been crying off and on for the last month. I can't believe she's a year old already. I haven't told anyone, but the day she was born, it really scared me. I kept thinking about a lot of what ifs. I didn't know what would happen if the medics couldn't get to us."

My mom puts her arm around my shoulders. "I know it was. It would be scary for anyone. But nothing bad happened, and you're doing such a good job with her, cariño."
"Thanks, mom." I give her a small smile, "I just feel like the last year happened so fast. I blinked and she's a year old. I blinked and she is saying 'mama' and trotting around the house, chasing the cats. It's crazy how fast the world works." 

My mom hums in agreement.

Brooke Lynn walked over to us, with Emma in her arms. Emma looked so cute. She had a pale purple bodysuit on that said Birthday Girl on it and a matching tutu.

"Mamamamamama!" she said when she saw me.

I reached my arms out for her and she leaned into it.

"Are we ready to do cake, babe?" Brooke asked, "I think she's getting tired."

I nod and call for everyone to gather around. Brooke undresses Emma so she's only in her diaper and sets her on the picnic table with her own little cake. Everyone watches closely with smiles and quiet "awww's" as Emma dug into her cake, making the biggest, cutest mess.

In no time, the party is over, and everyone is saying goodbyes. Brooke gets Emma ready and we pack the presents into the trunk of the car.

Aside from the cake mishap, it was a great little party.

Brooke decides to drive home, so I buckle Emma in, and climb in the passenger seat. Emma falls asleep almost instantly.

We get about five minutes from home when it happens. Brooke stops at a stop sign; she was always an alert driver. She starts to drive, and it happens so fast. Then; I blinked,  and the car came out of nowhere. The last thing I heard as it smashed into my side of the car was Brooke Lynn screaming my name, then everything went dark.

A/N: I want to thank everyone for being so supportive. There will  be one more chapter. So keep your eyes peeled. 

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