Just a day

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The other members of the party were most likely getting ready for school. I on the other hand didn't need to go but i liked annoying everyone. I changed into dark blue tank top and jeans. I waited at the bike racks for everyone to show up. Billy pulled up to school first, i decided i'd go and talk to him. "Hey Billy how's the car" i called to him. He grinned " the car sucks after you and that gang of assholes crashed it". He walked off obviously pissed that i reminded him of his shitty the car. "Hey kiddo" someone yelled of from the side of me. I turned to see none other than Steve Harrington. "What's going on you alright" i greet as we do are casual handshake. "Nothing much you know just, schools ending in a couple months and then i'll have to get a job" he answers. "You'll be fine man" i reasure him. "Thanks well i should get going" he said as he walked into the school. The party showed up later than usual, probably because of their campaing last night. We talked for a little while before school they had to go to class. I made my way home and not to my suprise when i arrived Eleven was still sleeping. Hopper would most likely be on his way to pick her up, so i would let her sleep until then. I sat on the couch and thought about the visits from last night. Why were they all in the area at the same time. "Y/n" a quiet voice spoke from my bedroom doorway. I stood up quickly and made my way towards El "good morning, how'd you sleep" i asked politely. "I slept good" she replies with a bright smile. The phone rang loudly through the house. I answered "hello this is Morningstar , how can i help". "Hey kid its me Hopper well umm im not gonna lie i had a bad night and i need a day off from all resposibilities" he spoke obviously needing sleep. "So you want me to watch El today" i questioned. "Yeah you're the only person i know that can" he said. "Yeah i have to tell you El and I are together as in dating, so get your sleep i'll talk to you later" i said quickly hanging up the phone before he could say anything. I turn around and see my father sitting next to El. "Dad what the hell are you doing here" i asked angrily. "Oh you're done i was just talking to my new daughter in law, i wanted to get to know her" he said with his smug grin while standing up. "Well that's not gonna happen so please leave" i told him as i gestured towards the door. "Alright you're so demanding just like your mother" he said as he walked out the door. "My father is a piece of work, as long as we are together he's gonna continuosly bother you" i told her. She looked at me and smiled "that's ok". We spent the day together listening to music and just enjoying each other.

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