The Battle of Starcourt Pt.2

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Jancy is whenever they are doing anything together because I'm lazy
I stare at the spot where my family was just moments ago before i remember the urgency of the situation. I turn around and get in the trunk of the car with El being careful. Nancy gets in the driver's seat quickly and tries to start the car. The engine turns over but doesn't start. "What's wrong"Jonathan ask quickly. "I don't... I don't know" Nancy replies while the engine sputters some more. "You can't be serious come on!" Nancy says as she keeps trying to start the car. "Didn't your mom just buy this car?" Lucas says with obvious confusion. "Yes, I'm sure it's fine" Nancy says quickly. "Did you leave the lights on" Will asks. "No" "Do we have gas" "Yes". Nancy turns the key one more time yelling angrily at the same time. "Whoa whoa whoa. Just stop, stop!" Jonathan yells as he pulls her arm. He quickly gets out and check under the hood. Nancy follows quickly after him. Jancy check under the hood before a cars engine can be heard reving. It was Billy. "Oh we are so screwed now" I quietly whispered to myself. "Back in the mall" Nancy yells to us as she bangs on the window to the car. Everyone leaves the car quickly while Max and I help El back into the mall. Time skip because you don't see what happening in the mall when Scoops Stoop are driving to Cerebro
"Scoops Troop do you copy" Mike said into the Walkie for the third time. Lucas sat in the food court aiming his sling shot around while El stood close by to him. Nancy pulled a handgun from the holster of a nearby dead Russian soldier. "Your gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max ask with fear and sadness in her voice. "This is just a precaution, okay" Nancy replied quickly. "And not just against Billy, if he knows we're here so does the Mind Flayer" Will reassured Max. "Max we'll try not to unless we have no other choice" I whisper to her as I walk past her. Mike walks around trying to relay our current situation to Scoops Troop. "No chance that'll drive, right" Nancy says hinting at the car El had thrown earlier. "We don't need it to drive... we just need the ignition cable." Jonathan answers. Everyone except El and I try to push the car right side up. They struggle but to no avail. "Let me try....I can do it El speaks up. She takes 2 steps forward and tries to pull the vehicle. Metal can be heard creaking but the car didn't budge.
Time skip brought to you by Hopper and Joyce having a normal date
Mike starts talking about how we can get the car down and some stuff about physics. I smile and push the car so that it's facing right side up. "Or you know, you could have just asked me" I say with cocky grin on my face. I walk away to go stand next to Max while Jancy start trying to get the hood open. "What's she doing" Max says while looking at El. I turn to see her digging through a trashcan. "Not sure I'll go see" I say before slowly making my way to El. Max and I approach slowly seeing her try to crush a coke can with her powers. "El.. are you okay" I question her softly. She turns to look at Max and I with a horror stricken face. A distant rumbling can be heard as stood in the mall. Max looks upwards and sees the Mind Flayer on the roof of the skylight. I follow her gaze seeing the same sight. "Oh son of a bitch" I whisper to myself. "Nancy"I yell to get her attention. I grab Max and El's hand and pull them out from under the skylight. As we are leaving the glass can be heard breaking under the weight of the Mind Flayer. The glass finally gives way and the Flayer lands in food court. It looks around slowly before roaring. *rawr* (someone shoot me). Everyone hid around the mall form the Flayer. El, Max and I hid under the counter of a kiosk. The Flayer walked past just a few feet away from us. I peaked my head over the counter, I got back into cover. "It's turned away, If we go up the stairs now we'll make it" I said to the ladies. "No way, not with El's leg." Max argued. "We have to try" I said quickly. El joined in "There's another way.. to get out, through the Gap"(The Gap is a store fyi). The three of us made a run for the Gap and as we got through where the store window used to be El bumped over a piece of the display alerting the Flayer. The Flayer starts searching the store with a tentacle. The three of us hid behind a clothes rack before a mannequin wearing the same outfit as El came flying at the wall in front of us. The three of us moved from our previous position in the store to another clothing rack near by. The head of a tentacle came to the side I was on, just a couple inches from my face. A loud pop was heard outside the store and the Flayer retracted it's tentacle to investigate the noise. Max, El and I ran from our hiding spot escaping the Gap. We ran through the worker only hallway looking for an exit. We made our way to the loading dock exit. As we opened the gate we saw Billy. We bolted the in the other direction. Max broke free from us to close the gate quickly. We navigated through the back hallways searching for an alternative escape route. Max and I helping El the entire time. We stopped at an elevator hoping to get away. Max sees Billy and tries to get him to remember who he was. He walks forward and backhanded Max with no remorse. I turn to fight him but he punches me in face and throws me at he wall. Billy knocks El unconscious and carries her away. Max shook me awake. I looked around crazily "how come he was able to hurt me Its not supposed to be possible" I said groggily while getting up. "Where's El" I asked Max. Realization hit us like a truck Billy had got her. I used my wings to boost me and Max through the halls to save El. As we exited Scoops Ahoy we saw Billy standing over El facing the Mind Flayer. The Flayer shot a tentacle at El but was caught by Billy. I flew to Billy and used my wings to block the other tentacles from The Flayer. Multiple tentacles held my wings, The Flayer slowly started pulling my wings away from each other. Against my will screams of agony came escaped my lips as my wings were ripped from my body. The Flayer through me backwards into the Scoops Ahoy. Despite my efforts to save him The Flayer impaled Billy multiple times in the stomach before finally stabbing him in the chest. Moments later The Flayer started lashing around and hitting the pillars before falling over dead. As I layed on the floor of Scoops Ahoy, I could see Max sitting next to Billy. I slowly started pulling myself towards El. She met me halfway and I pushed myself into a sitting position and started hugging her. El and I broke from the hug when we saw Billy take his last breathe. Max fell into our arms filled with grief. "I'm sorry Max, I tried". I didn't even notice the tears falling from my eyes as El and I consoled Max. Time skip the Army shows up
El and I sit in the back of an ambulance. We sit together and see Will runing over to Joyce. El and I look around for Hop but don't see him. "Where is he" El whispers to me. "I don't know El". I whisper back. A hand slaps my back and I turn around to see who's ass I was gonna kick. It was Lucifer standing there with a big grin on his face. "Is Hopper dead" I ask him my voice wavering. "Oh dad no he's over there" Luci says as he points to a distant ambulance. El and I make our way over followed by closely by father. El pulls Hopper into a hug squeezing him tightly. "Whoa easy kiddo you're gonna break a rib" Hop said with a strained voice. I turned around with a smile on my face. I slowly walked away from the reunited father and daughter figuring I should give them space. "Hey kid where are you going" I heard Hopper yell to me. I never answered as the world got darker and darker. "Hey hey listen to me, don't die on me" Was all I heard from Luci as the world faded to black. If you are confused we currently passed our from blood loss because we literally had our wings ripped off. AAAAAANNND YES I'LL EXPLAIN HOW HOPPER IS ALIVE UNLESS YOU CAN ALREADY GUESS

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