The Bite

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Fireworks boomed in the distance as we all sat in Hopper's cabin. "He said he was building something, That it was all for us" El quietly spoke as we all sat around her and listened. "Building something what in the bloody hell is he building" Lucifer spoke. "The Flayed he must be building an army" Nancy answered. Will paced back and forth obviously freaked out. "he's not building an army to spread" "no he's building it to stop Eleven & I" i finished. "Last year you two closed the gate on him and that must have a pissed him off" Mike theorised. "We are the only two who can stop him" i said while glancing at El. "But if you two are gone" Mike continued. "Game over" Lucas said finishing Mike's sentence. "He also said he was gonna kill all of you" El said reluctantly. "Well that's nice" Max joked. A faint screeching could be heard in the distance. Nancy looked out the window to see the source "Do you guys hear that" she asked quietly. "Its just fireworks" Jonathan says. Everyone leans foward to listen to the outside better, distant booming can be heard. "He knows we're here" Will informs us. "Well team lets get for a siege" i say

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