Riki's Mysterious Adventure Case#1

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The recording starts, showing Riki is in the forest and facing the camera.

Riki: Welcome to Riki's Mysterious Adventure. My name is Riki Ryugasaki. My dream is to become an adventurer who solves mysteries in a world that has not yet been revealed. Immediately, we start in our first case. [Take out the cardboard that reads 'Riki's Mysterious Adventure Case # 1: Mysterious Mailbox'] Mysterious Mailbox!

The camera is directed towards the mailbox in the middle of the forest.

Riki: There it is. As you can see there is nothing. Only the dense forest surrounded it, there were no signs of people living here, so who made it and what was the purpose of this mailbox? Today, me and my friend, Samuru, wait ... [Realizing that he is alone in the forest] Samuru! Where are you?!

Samuru: [Only the sound is heard] RIKI !!!

Riki: Oh. There he is.

Recording skip.

Riki: Let me introduce him, this is my best friend, his name is Samuru Shigami.

The camera is aimed at Samuru who is breathing heavily.

Riki: As you can see, he is here panting because he realizes I went alone into this forest and let him make tents where we will sleep tonight, because at first we will only camp in this forest.

Samuru: [Spooks out scary tone] You have to pay later.

Riki: [Laughing nervously] Take it easy, Samuru. That is for sure. [Whispers to the camera] Maybe.

Recording skip.

Riki: Alright. This time we will test whether the mailbox is a fortune carrier or a disaster carrier. Samuru will enter the letter I wrote earlier.

Samuru: Why does it have to be me?

Riki: Come on, buddy!

Samuru: Hold on a sec, let me check. [Opens the letter and reads it] Are you sure you will only write 'this'? [Showing the letter to the camera that says 'What's up, buddy?']

Riki: Well, I don't know what to write.

Samuru: [Sighs resignedly] Okay.

Samuru immediately puts the letter in the mailbox.

Riki: Okay, now we just hide and wait for who will take away-

All of a sudden, the mailbox trembled on its own and after that it make a sound 'TING!'.

Riki: What is that ?!

Samuru: [Opens the mailbox and is shocked] What ?! [Takes out the contents of the mailbox and shows it's not their letter] This is not our letter!

Riki: Mystery ?! What is contained in the letter?

Samuru: Wait a minute. [Opens the letter and reads it] It answers our letter. [Showing the letter that says 'Hello, Riki and Samuru.']

Riki: Mystery ... it knows our names!

Samuru: What if it knows everything?

Riki: Let's try the second test.

Recording skip, seen Samuru writing the second letter.

Samuru: Did Riki use the money I saved today? And what is that to buy?

Samuru immediately puts the letter in the mailbox. The mailbox shook again and immediately make a sound 'TING!'. Samuru immediately opens and issues the letter in it.

Samuru: [Reading the letter] "He used your $ 100,000 to buy your camping equipment". [Death-glaring Riki]

Riki: What ?!

The recording is skip, now it's Riki's turn to write the letter.

Riki: What is my ideal type of woman?

The recording is skip, Riki reads the letter he got.

Riki: Jeez ... It's right! [Showing images of tomboyish woman]

The recording skip, now it's Samuru's turn to write the letter.

Samuru: When will the end of time occur?

Recording skip, Samuru read the letter received.

Samuru: "About 3.763 years later." Hm. We still have plenty of time.

The recording is skip, it's Riki's turn to write the letter.

Riki: Is there something that Samuru is afraid of?

Samuru: Wait a minute, hey!

The recording is skip, Riki reads the letter he got.

Riki: [Reading a letter] "Apperately, He was very scared of lightning." [Looking at Samuru]

Samuru: Okay, fine, that's right!

The recording skip, now it's Samuru's turn to write the letter again.

Samuru: What we will ask again?

Riki: Ask about those Mysterious Dragon Gems!

Samuru: And The Legendary Dragon Fighters!

Riki: Also their leader who defeated Dragold!

Samuru: Finally we will know the greatest mysteries of the world!

????: Aaaaaaauuuuuuooooo!!!! Aaaaaauuuuuoooo!!!!! Aaaaaaaauuuuuuooo!!!!!!

Samuru: Wait, What the--?!

A guy appear from the sky and land in front of the camera.

Samuru: Wha-- Hugo?!

Riki: Right, He's friend of us who love lions and very annoying, Hugo Raidoh.

Hugo: Hey you, dragon boys! What are you doing in my practice area?!

Samuru: Practice area? This is definitely in Russia, idiot!

Riki fly the russian flag in front of the camera.

Hugo: Really? Then I guess I take the wrong plane. [Seeing the mailbox] Hey, a mailbox! I want to send my lion roar's tape to grandpa Takakura! [Put his tape in the mailbox]

Samuru: No, No, Wait!!

Riki: Don't!!

Hugo: [Close the mailbox door] Send!

The mailbox trembled on its own and after that it make a sound 'TING!'.

Hugo: [Surprised] Whoa. What was that?

Samuru immediately take the reply and read it.

Samuru: "You have insulted me with your lion's roar record. Prepare to be cursed." Uh oh.

Riki: Oh man...

Suddenly, the mailbox is shinning. Samuru, Hugo, and Riki take a few steps to the back. And finally, the mailbox explode.

The recording skip. Showing Riki, Samuru, and Hugo, who are covered by ash and their clothes are torn, standing in front of the camera.

Riki: Well, uh, I guess we will end here. That's the end of Riki's Mysterious Adventure. One the most moral message for us is, [Shout to Hugo] Don't ever send a recording of your lion's roar to the mysterious people !!!

Hugo: Don't worry. I can insert my lion's roar to your recording. Aaaaauuuuuooooo Aaaaaauuuoooo!!!!

Samuru: NO! NO! The show's over! The show's over!

The end of the record.

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