Snow White and The Seven B-Shots (Valentine's day Special)

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Record start and show a pitch of black place.

Cora: Okay, as I promised, there will be a play about Snow White. And I bet you guys wanted to know who will be the Snow White. And.... It's.....

A spotlight shine and appear a person who is wearing a drees.


Cora: Well, you're kinda pretty with that dress and your hair down like that.

Samuru: BUT WHY ME?!?

Cora: I'm the one who control the story. So, I'm the one who will choose your fate. Got it?

Samuru: (Do anime depressed and sobbing) Why...?

Cora: And... As the Prince, I'll choose...

Another spotlight shine and appear another person.

Cora: Riki!

Riki: (A question mark appear on his top head) Um... Okay? (Seen Samuru in a dress) Samuru?

Samuru: (Still sobbing) What...?

Riki: (With his innocent smile) Nothing, it's just, you look like a girl with that dress and your hair down!


Cora: See? I told you that-

Samuru: (Punch Riki on the face) SAY THAT AGAIN, YOU B*ST*RD!!!

And Samuru keep punch Riki.

Cora: Umm... Enjoy the play! (Run as faster as she can)

Once upon a time, there's a queen named "Sumi" talking to the magic mirror called "Derek".

Sumi: Ehem! Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who is the fairiest of them all?

Derek: It's Samuru.

Sumi: (Angry) What?! Say that again!!

Derek: (Confused) It's Samuru.

Sumi: (Punch Derek)

Derek: Ouch!

Sumi: Again!

Derek: Riki?

Sumi: Say what?! (Punch Derek again)


Cora: Wait! Wait! Sumi, why are you punching Derek?! He said just as the script!

Sumi: Well, and I disagree with him! It should be me!

Cora: It's just a play! Not reality! Okay, okay, CUT!


Record skip.

The Snow White finally escape from her mother attemped murder and take a break in a mansion.


Cora: Just go to the bedroom and sleep, okay?

Samuru: (Groan) Fine!

While Snow White's sleeping, the seven B-shots that is Kamon, Bakuga, Jenta, Basara, Novu, Misuru, and Ken saw the princess sleep.

Basara: (Whisper to Jenta) Isn't that Shigami?

Jenta: (Whisper to Basara) Yeah, its him!

Novu: (Take a photo of Samuru while holding back his laughter)

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