Rikitaro's Adventure #1 The Boy Who Born From A Burger

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Samuru, now is wearing a white Samue (Another Japanese traditional clothes) topknot on top of his hair, and wear Geta, is reading one of the chapter.

Samuru: [In gloom mood] I thought this chapter is similiar with Momotaro's story.... [Realize that the story already start] Ehem! Welcome to the first of special chapter! [Hide the story and start the introduction]  This will be tell the birth of the main character, Rikitaro! And here, I’ll be the narrator. So, let’s start with the story!

Long long ago, in a certain place, there lived two brothers. Their names are Novujima and Basazaki. They only lived together because their parents were gone when they were young.

Samuru: [Sweat drop] Shouldn’t it be an old granpa and an old granma?

Basazaki: Oi, Novujima! We need to collect more woods for the fire!

Novujima: Why don’t you take it by yourself?! You’re just lazing around yesterday!

Basazaki: I’m lazy. You do it.

Novujima: [grins for some reason] Is that so?


Basazaki: [His face is full of swelling]

Novujima: Now, take the woods by yourself. Got that?

Basazaki: [talk painfully] Yes....

Samuru: [Sweat drop] I can’t believe Novu can hit Basara so hard...

Basazaki then went to the forest to collect the woods, and then he continue his sleep.

Samuru: Wait?! Why are you sleeping right now, Basara?!

While Novujima is creating a plan to take WBMA HQ from gramps Takakura with his ally, Derekito.

Samuru: Don’t you dare, Novu! Shouldn’t you go to the river doing the laundry?! And Derek, where did you come from?!

And so, there’s a burger floating along the river.

Samuru: Isn’t it supposed to be peach?! How can a burger float?!

The burger wasn’t found by anyone, and start to float into the sea. That’s the end of the—

Samuru: Wait, wait! How come this is end?! Somebody, anybody, hurry up and find it!!


Novujima: What kind of fruit is this? It’s big!

Basazaki: Don’t know. Just hurry up and open it! I’m hungry.

Samuru: Finally, they take this seriously....

But when they cut open the burger, a young and healthy boy came out.

Rikitaro: I’M SAVED!!!

Basazaki: What the hell?!

Novujima: A boy jumped out!!


Basazaki and Novujima put the boy again in the burger and cover it with tape and then they floated the burger to the sea again.

Rikitaro: Gu... Guys!! Let’s be friends!!

Samuru: RIKI!!


For some reason, they took the boy again and allowed him to stay in their home.

Rikitaro: I have no one else to go on!!!

Basazaki: Wahh!! What’s with this guy?!

Rikitaro: I’ll become an adveturer and travel around the world and become famous!

Basazaki: Adventurer?! You?! With that burger-floating thing?! Don’t make me laugh!!

Rikitaro: I’ll do it!! Just watch and see it by yourself!!

Novujima: Hey,hey....

Rikitaro/ Basazaki: [Snore]

Novujima: They fell asleep?!

And that’s how th three of them meet each other. Rikitaro, together with the two brothers, went deep into the mountain’s jungles day in and day out to fight the beast. They grew up together and became strong.

Samuru: And that’s how they became strong like a monster!

The years past and soon, Rikitaro is ready to start his adventure to become famous adventurer.

Rikitaro: Alright!! Time to start my journey!! Novujima, thanks for the snacks! [eating the snacks Novujima gave him]

Novujima: Don’t eat its right now!! Its for your snacks on your journey!!

Rikitaro: Fine... and Basazaki, thanks for the boat!!

Basazaki: Are you sure you’ll start your journey on the sea?

Rikitaro: Of course! Its the place where I met you two!

Novujima/ Basazaki: [blush] Don’t thanks to us like that. You just like a little brother to us.

Rikitaro: I’M OFF!!! [ignore the two and immediately leave with the boat]

Novujima/ Basazaki: LISTEN WHEN PEOPLE TALK!!!

Rikitaro: First, I’ll make some friends who will join my adventure!

Samuru: And his comrades are...

Rikitaro: GYAAAA!!!

Samuru: WHAT THE HELL??!!

In front of them, there are Dragold and Gillusion in their human form.

Samuru: How come you two be able come in this story?!

To be continue.....

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