Cooking Class with Ken #1

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[The recording starts, with Ken, who is facing the camera, in the kitchen wearing an apron and on his desk a variety of foodstuffs and tools]

Ken: Welcome to Cooking Class with Ken. This is my first film made by Cora. And I was forced by her to obey.

Cora: [Just sounds only] Since when I forced you ?!

Ken: [Ignores her] Don't bother her. Let's get to the point. Today, I will make "Okonomiyaki"!

Ken: First and foremost, let's prepare the ingredients. 120 grams of flour (okonomiyaki flour or tempura flour if available), 175 cc of water or dashi, 200 gr of cabbage, 1 chicken egg, green onion, okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, katsuobushi, and more importantly, for ingredients: meat, shrimp, or squid. Eh? [Realizing that there isn't any meat, shrimp, and squid] Where do they go? I'm sure I put its here.

Hugo: [Outside the kitchen and only the sound is heard] UWOOOOHHH !!!! I GET FREE MEATS!!!

Ken: Wha--?! HUGO, GIVE IT BACK MY MEATS !! [Immediately goes out of the kitchen and chases after Hugo]

The recording skip, Ken now took the first step.

Ken: First of all, dilute flour with water or dashi made from katsuobushi and kombu, stir until evenly mixed, but don't stir too long because the dough can get hard. Don't forget to add eggs to the dough. [Immediately stirring the mixture]

Misuru: [Suddenly appears next to Ken] KEN !!!

Ken: AAAKKKHHHH ??? !!!!

Ken was shocked, and accidentally the flour fell scattered]

Misuru: Have you seen my spy bee ?! I'm sure I dropped it around here !!

Ken: ....

Misuru: You have to help me !! Help me!!

Ken: .... I'll help,

Misuru: Really ?!

Ken: Yes ...

[All of a sudden the atmosphere not good. Misuru over there felt something bad would happen. Ken held Misuru's hair while looking at him sharply and mercilessly. Misuru is scared.]

Ken: [Speak in scary tone] I HELP YOU AFTER FINISHING YOU.

Misuru: [scared] WA—WAIT !!! WAIT A MINUTE!!!

Cora: Uhhh .... We will be back in a moment.

[The recording is accelerated because of censorship that is not worn for the reader / audience, Ken returns by continuing the next step.]

Ken: The next step is, Mix the sliced ​​cabbage (about 1 cm wide) into the mixture, stirring so that the air enters the mixture so that the fried product is not hard. Pour a little oil on a flat frying pan, pour the mixture of cabbage and flour and round shape with a diameter of about 25 cm and a thickness of 2.5 cm. Don't forget to decorate it. You can decorate it with-

Cora: Zzzz ...... zzzz .....

Ken: WHA— ?! CORA !! Are you falling asleep ?? !! [Immediately approaches the cameraman with incredible anger.]

Cora: [just sounds is hear] Zzz — Ehh ?! Wh-What do you want ?! Wait a minute !!

[The recording is skip, Don't be sad all readers / viewers, Author / Cameraman is still alive. Ken finally finishes his cooking which is placed on a plate.]

Ken: Done, delicious Okonomiyaki! Time to determine the value of deliciousness

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Ken: Done, delicious Okonomiyaki! Time to determine the value of deliciousness. The jury is—

Yuki: [Suddenly coming from the side] Ooh! Okonomiyaki! It's been a long time I wanted it! [Immediately takes the plate and eats it.]

Ken: He-hey!

Yuki: Wow !! This is really delicious !! [Immediately finish everything alone]

Ken: .... [Only can see Yuki finish him]

Yuki: [The okonomiyaki is finish] It's delicious !! You should make it again sometime, okay?

Ken: ....

Yuki: What's wrong with you, Ken? You kept silent.

Ken: .... FOR ME.

Yuki: Huh?

Ken: AT LEAST LEAVE IT FOR ME !!! [Immediately takes the spatula and chases after Yuki]

Yuki: [Shocked and ran away from Ken] I THOUGHT YOU DON'T WANT TO !!!

[They are chasing in the kitchen.]

Cora: So ... I guess until here first, see you later!

[The recording is turned off.]

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