Rikitaro's Adventure #2 Let's Go For An Adventure!

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Rikitaro: GYAAA!!

Samuru: How come you two be able come in this story?!

In front of them, there are Dragold and Gillusion in their human form.

Dragold: So, you're going to recruit me to your adventure? And pay me with your snacks? Don't make me laugh.

Gillusion: instead of snacks, how about we eat you? After all, I like human meat.

Samuru: They're completely different from when we last met them!!

Rikitaro feel something is amiss about the situation and run away at full speed. And then, he meet someone.

Samuru: Ah! This line! Kamonemon is going to show up!

Rikitaro: Oh! Hey! Wanna join my journey to go on an adventure?

Kamonemon: Huh?

Kamonemon, [Is now wearing red jinbei and geta]  is a waiter in Aona's restourant and also a delivery boy who is energetic and hyperactive.

Kamonemon: Oh! Welcome, sir. How may I help you?

Rikitaro: Let's go on an adventure!

Kamonemon: Ah, I'm so sorry but I–

Rikitaro: You would?! Alright! Let's go then!

Kamonemon: Will you listen when people talk?!

Rikitaro: Wanna snack? Here, I'll give you one if you want join me!

Kamonemon: I can't! My sister will be angry at me!

Rikitaro: Your sis? If that's a problem, then I'll talk to her! [Go in to the restourant]

Kamonemon: Wait, what! Don't you dare! She is scary just like–

Rikitaro: [Come out and smile] She said she don't mind if you come!

Kamonemon: EHHH???!!

Samuru: Well, you can't resist it.


Somehow or another, Kamonemon join Rikitaro on his quest. And then they meet another person.

Rikitaro: Hey! Wanna join my quest?

Bakugito, [is now wearing white Haori (Japanese traditional clothes) and geta too] is the son of chief at Shira Coorperation and the successor to the business.

Bakugito: Quest?

Rikitaro: We will go to the mysterious adventures and–

Bakugito: Nope, I'm sorry.

Kamonemon: He reject him way too fast!!

Bakugito: I kind of busy with these cooperation stuff.

Rikitaro: Whatever! I've already decide! Let's go!

Bakugito & Kamonemon: You can't just decide it like that!!

Rikitaro: I don't care!! You guys have to come with me!!

Kamonemon: What kind of person chooses his comrades by force?!

Bakugito: That's right!! You can't force people to join you!!

Rikitaro: Who will listen for those compliments?! C'mon!!

Samuru: What are you guys fighting for?!?! Somebody stop them!!


And then, Bakugito finally decide to join them. And they meet with a monster hunter, Jentayama (who is wearing a purple Hakama [another Japanese traditional clothes]).

Jentayama: Go for an adventure? Not interested.

Rikitaro: You have to! Now let's go!!

Jentayama: You can't force people to go with you like that!!

Kamonemon & Bakugito: Deal with it.

Rikitaro: By the way, are you the one that they called ‘Monster Hunter'?

Jentayama: Well, Yes, I am.

Rikitaro: Then, I'll be the ‘Monster Hunter's Hunter'!

Samuru: What the hell is this?! What are you competing for?!

Jentayama: Are you kiding with me?! Then I'm the ‘Monster Hunter Hunter's Hunter'!!

Rikitaro: Shut up!! Then I'm the ‘Monster Hunter Hunter Hunter's Hunter'!!

Samuru: You two, please stop them!!

But, Kamonemon is busy with the costumers in Aona Restoutant and Bakugito is busy with his cooperation stuffs.

Samuru: Can't someone take this seriously?!

Will they be alright?!

To be continued...

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