Past Mistakes

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The moons of Cybertron were shining brightly as a mech in his alt mode drove down the streets of Kaon.
His name was Octain and he was a former Decepticon who had gone neutral after the war.

Octain had picked up on a distress signal and having turned himself around had gone wanting to help out anyway he could. But nothing could have prepared him for the awful surprise that was waiting for him.

A few moments later Octain pulled over and transformed then he walked to where the signal had been coming from and found a fake beckon that had been transmitting it.

"What is this?" He asked himself as he picked it up.

"Hellow Octain." A voice called from the shadows. Then Tarn leader of the DJD stepped forward. "Did you really think you would getaway with betraying the Decepticon cause?"

"No the DJD!" Octain cried in horror as he tried to back away realizing to late that this was a trap. But unfortunately the rest of the DJD were now blocking any hope of escape.

"Your on our list." Said Kaon.

"No please let me go!" Octain pleaded.

"Sorry but you must pay for your treachery." Tarn told him. Then the DJD closed in on the triple changer and his screams could be heard for several hours as the DJD tortured then killed him.

Tarn stood over the body that was now on the ground before them.

"Another one down several more on the list to go." Kaon said checking Octain's name off the list.

"Soon all who have wronged the Decepticons will pay and Cybertron will belong to us." Tarn told the other members of the DJD. Then they all laughed evily.

The next day on a different part of Cybertron. Bumblebee drove to Cybertron's hospital and transformed then entered the building.

He and his team had come to Cybertron to help figure out a wave of murders that had been occurring on Cybertron. And was now going to see Ratchet and Knock Out who were performing an autopsy on one of the bodies that had been found.

"So what's the story?" Asked Bumblebee as he entered the medbay.

"Well there it appears the victim was killed by some kind of sonic wepan. But the body also shows traces of acid and appears to have been crushed in places with holes in the faceplates like spikes were driven through it and several circuits were fried." Ratchet explained.

"What could have done this much damage?" Bumblebee asked feeling pity for the mech who had been killed in such a manner.

"This mech was definitely tortured to death." Ratchet said sadly.

"More like butchered." Knock Out added. "I think the DJD did this."

"Who are the DJD?" Asked Bumblebee.

"The Decepticon Justice Devision if a Decepticon tries to switch sides or otherwise betrays the Decepticon cause they put their name on a list and if your name is on the list then they hunt you down and kill you in the most brutal way possible." Knock Out explained.

"And the trouble is most Cons don't even know their name is on the list until right before the DJD comes for them and by that time it's already to late." He continued.

"Wow sounds brutal." Said Bumblebee.

"They are." Knock Out replied. "I used to have patients beg me to offline them if they thought they might be on the list."

"Wait Drift and Grimlock used to be Decepticons too so they might be in danger." Bumblebee told them.

"They'll have to be extra careful." Said Ratchet. "You too Knock Out because you also switched sides."

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