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Later that night Arcee visited Knock Out in his hospital room. The red medic still hadn't regained consciousness yet.

"I'm so sorry about the things I said earlier." Arcee told him. "Your part of our team now and we can't lose you."

"You need to fight Knock Out we need you to wake up and help us stop the DJD so they can't do this to anyone else." She continued. 

"When Ratchet said your life signal went offline earlier it felt like Cliffjumper all over again only worse because me and Cliff were getting along before he was killed but I said terrible things about you and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to apologize."

"So I decided to do it now." Arcee said to the comatose mech. "I just hope you can hear me."

"Your more then part of our team now your family and you need to pull through this because I can't lose another friend." She finished and just knew she saw one of Knock Out's digits twitch.

But then alarms started going off outside the hospital. And Arcee went to see what was going on and told a black seeker mech to watch Knock Out not wanting to leave the cherry colored mech unprotected if it was the DJD trying to break in to the city again.

The alarms stopped when Arcee exited the hospital then she joined Bumblebee who was already standing outside as the other Autobots ran out of the hospital to see what was going on.

"What were those alarms about?" Arcee asked Bumblebee.

"Some kind of perimeter breach." Bumblebee told her. "Starscream said that the city had to heighten it's defences since the DJD tried to get in the other day." "He and Optimus just went to see what happened."

Just then Optimus came back half dragging half carrying an injured and unconscious Megatron. And Starscream limping and holding his shoulder not far behind them with several other seekers all gathering around him asking if he was ok.

"What part of stand down did you guys not get?" Starscream asked them. "To clarify it means stop shooting not bust out the heavy artillery."

"We never got an order to stand down?" Said a seeker who the Autobots recognized as Thundercracker. "And we assumed given your history Megatron was public enemy number one."

"But I sent Rattrap to tell them not to open fire." Starscream told them.

"Hey Starscream says to stand down Megatron's not a threat now." Rattrap suddenly ran out and yelled.

Then Starscream facepalmed. "I gave you one job." "Next time I'm having Sky Warp do it." Starscream thought.

"Rattrap's not a seeker what's he doing in New Vos?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I needed an assistant and he needed a job." Starscream explained.

"Sorry I missed up someone tossed me in a closet when I was going to tell them not to open fire." Rattrap told Starscream.

Then Ratchet helped the seeker medics get Megatron fixed and patch up Starscream's shoulder that had been shot and one of his legs that had been strained when he had transformed in order to land.

And Optimus explained that the seeker strike unit had fired on Megatron who he and Starscream could tell was already wounded.

And Starscream had yelled at them to stand down but saw it was already to late and changed into his jet mode and flew between Megatron and a blast that would have hit the former Decepticon leader's spark chamber. Which was how Starscream hurt his shoulder.

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