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Meanwhile Starscream was flying in his jet mode enjoying the feeling of wind against his frame.

When he heard something below him and landed a ways off then transformed with his wepans out in case it was the DJD knowing they had taken to setting traps for their victims and that he was on the list.

But was relieved to see no one there then stumbled upon the dead body of Arachnid. And could tell she had been tortured to death by the DJD.

"Not even she deserved this." The seeker thought to himself actually feeling bad for the spider.

Then he heard pedsteps and turned with his wepans aimed.

"Please don't shoot me commander Starscream!" Yelled a terrified vehicon.

"Steve?" Said Starscream recognizing the vehicon.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you I just thought it was the DJD and it just Starscream now the war is over." The seeker explained relaxing a bit. This particular vehicon was a friend of his.

"I saw them kill Arachnid she was after me when the DJD found her and killed her and I thought they would kill me too but they didn't find me." Steve explained.

"That's strange they no doubtavbly picked up on your signal and since you switched side you must be on their list so why didn't they go after you?" Starscream thought out loud. "Unless." The seeker's optics widened as the realization hit him.

"We thought he could be used to lure another target to us." Said Tarn's voice from just a little ways away from them. "But the blasted vehicon just wouldn't call for help."

Starscream turned around and fired his missiles at the DJD and told Steve to run ahead. Then quickly activated his com-link as he took off in the same direction as the vehicon.

"This is Starscream I need back up me and Steve are..ahh!" He screamed as one of the DJD fired a blast that grazed him across the faceplates destroying his com-link before the message could even get through.

The seeker shook it off continued running with Steve just a little bit ahead of him the vehicon tripped but Starscream quickly yanked him back up and dragged him along and saw a small cave ahead of them.

"Go ahead run through that cave and don't stop I'll be right behind you!" The seeker practically screamed at the vehicon knowing that cave had an opening on the other side having been in the area before.

Steve obeyed and ran through the cave Starscream ran behind him until Tarn used Vos's rifle mode and fired at the seeker managing to hit him in the leg making him fall to the ground.

Starscream quickly fired his missiles at the mouth of the cave knowing Steve was ahead enough not to be caught in the blast and caused a cave in cutting the DJD off from reaching the vehicon.

The DJD approached the downed seeker who to spite being terrified and having an injured leg smirked at them defiantly knowing he managed to save his friend and stopped them from getting one of their victims.

Starscream tried to get up wanting to fight them for all the pain they caused his friends. But he couldn't get his injured leg to corporate it was hard to move it and it hurt like crazy.

"Go ahead I'm on your list aren't I?" He spat at them. "Just go on and get it over with." Starscream almost dared them.

"Bold words coming from one who was a coward throughout the entire war." Tarn mocked him.

"I know you plan to torture me like you do all your victims." Starscream continued. "So just do it I'm not giving you any information about the Autobots and I'm not afraid of you so your just wasting your time here."

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