Caleb x Erebus II

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Caleb x Erebus II

I stretched and yawned, snuggling deeper under the covers and fighting sleep for a few minutes until I won and managed to prey open my eyes. I smiled as I found Erebus bear hugging me to his chest, snoring into my ear quietly and I turned around to be able to see his face. A smile played on my lips as I watched his sleeping face, a plan hatching inside my head but before I could finish my move he pinned me to the bed in one swift motion, running his nose along the side of my face. It frightened me for a second but I knew who I was dealing with.

"Good morning." I gasped. 

He hummed at me in response, brushing his lips against my jaw line and I took a shakey breath, melting underneath him. With every nip on my skin my heart skipped a beat and I sighed happily as he landed on the corner of my mouth. I turned my head to meet his lips and he chuckled before giving me one of the sweetest good morning kisses I had every received, making my heart throb painfully.

"Good morning to you too." He smiled.

He just hugged me to his chest, resting his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I hummed, burrying my face against him and just enjoyed the time I was allowed to spend with him. After a few more minutes he let go and brushed over his face before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of his bed. I surpressed a whine that formed at him soon leaving me and I followed his example less gracefully and just crawled out from underneath the blankets.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, yawning.

I watched him turn his head and grin at me while I blushed brightly and averted my eyes. I pulled my pyjama top back in place since it had slipped off my right shoulder, exposing it to him and tried not to think of what he implied while I chewed on my bottom lip. Much to my surprise it was less horrifying than I expected and I found it strangely exciting, goosebumps spreading all over my body. 

"That's not an option." I said more to myself than to him.

"Too bad." He winked at me.

I gasped and fled into the bathroom because we weren't going to get anything done if we kept this up. Not that I would mind receiving some more positive attention from him, I'd loved that but he had a tendency to shower me in it and forget about anything else which in return created even more problems. I heard him chuckle and leave the room while I groaned and started washing my face to clear my head. 

"I made breakfast." He announced as I walked into the kitchen.

I peered over his shoulder and looked at the bowl. He had cooked some brown rice, made a bit of scrambled egg and cut up an avocado, a few tomatoes, a handful of olives before finishing off the dish with a bit feta. My stomach audibly growled at the sight and he smiled at me, handing me my bowl and I dug in, stuffing my cheeks. I was going to make sure I remembered this receipe since it was very tasty.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled.

I tried to eat as slow as I could to have more time with him but unfortunately, eventually I ran out of food and was so full, I couldn't possibly eat anymore. I sat down my bowl, huffing and trying to angle my body so my stomach wasn't hurting as much and he smirked at me, resting his hand against my cheek. I sighed, rubbing my face against his hand and he moved his hand up to burry it inside of my hair.

"I will be back in the evening." He told me.

He kissed me goodbye and I immediately missed him as soon as he teleported away. I sighed heavily and went back to doing my daily chores, starting with doing the dishes. I managed to get through most of them and was busy scrubbing the floors of the entrance hall when somebody knocked on the front door. I raised an eyebrow, walked over and opened the door the tiniest bit in case an intruder was waiting out there, sticking my head through to find Nolan there, beaming at me.

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