She's nothing like a girl you've seen before.

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  • Dedicated to Shweta Laksha

Scene : On the platform by the train. Immobile. Luggage on the ground. Eyes non blinking. A hominid standing still all alone. Even air seems dynamic in relative. Gone astray in thoughts. 

Who is it? Is it a guy? Is it a girl? Is it a corporeal? Well, I really can't fucking diagnosticate. What is it trying to do? By the looks of it and the bosoming hooters, it sure appear like a girl.

 If it is, then what's with her? What's with the frizzies? What's with those taters? what's with those bruises? Why is she bleeding? Where is she going? Why ain't she cleaning herself? Why is she lost and is completely loose and garbled with the surroundings? Is she going to whack a self slaughter there by jumping before the upcoming train?

 She is hardly paying any attention even. Just what the fuck she wants? Is she playing a prank? I can't let her be like that. Why do i have to bother so much? Why am i like this? Why do i poke my nose in everything and anything?

It may not be the right time. But well, lemme start with introducing myself. This is me. The one who wanders poking nose around in anything and everything. My name (being formal) is Aaron Winchester. I live on google earth maps (bad joke ,ignore). I'm doing my Junior high year. And it's my summer break.  Winchester? Did the name strike? No, my mom and dad are not Supernatural hunters. Just how old am I? What do you think? Guess,guess. Well, I can’t help if you are so dumb. Considering that I still am sounding callow, I’m just 17.

 So back to track, What am I doing here? I was planning on going to my Granny’s place until I saw this damsel. By the way, I am going to be the yarn spinner of the story. Usually the author is supposed to say this, but she is having a fish to fry or a book to write. And she tells me that she doesn’t like this turnover of point of views. Just before you get into my frame of reference, have a look of me. I’m just 5.10. Skeletal, Hazel eyed, Brunutte haired one with a wide grin on my face always except the part where I spend the time with my Dad.

 Okay, enough of me. Like seriously? Who breaks a gratifying frame and starts describing about himself inside the head until unless he’s a freaky self obsessed good for nothing guy. Yippee, that’s me again. So going back to where we are right now.

The shiny black metal was terrifying. She was staring at the fences. She can hear the descry the sound of the train. She was gasping. No,No,No. Don’t flicker. If only she was win enough to take a note of my shouting. She blacked out.  Conked out to the floor.

People gathered around her. I need to make a move. I can’t let someone have her. She preempted me. I have to know her. I made a way into the crowd and took her on me. After a 20 minute journey, I made it home.

I cleaned her up partially whisked her bruises and blood stains, traded her clothes and put her to the bed. I stood there watching her. She is intense. Strong, ardent, fervent and vivid. She is not beautiful, not 1% near to it. But she got a own charm of her.

Round big eyes, Pouty lips, Sculptured nose, Bulged cheeks, Spherical face and frizzy waving brown hair. She is adusk and dim. She got a few pounds here and there more than she should have. She is not short, neither tall. Just the way she should be. Her eyes are padlocked.  She seemed so petite and little.  Her expressions are exquisite.

Just who is she? And why does she amuse me so much? I have never felt any attraction to a girl to the point where I myself doubted of being a gay. What’s this about her? Cornering the room, I found this luggage of her. 

Forgetting the conduct, I started to pursuit it with curiosity overtaking me. After a 10 minute groundwork all I can get out is a A4 sized book which appears to be a dairy, a wallet , Skating shoes, a Knuckle duster and a Picture album.

A Knuckle duster? What’s she doing with this? Seeing her ploy a little I tugged everything inside except for the ID case which I found in the wallet, quickly  went near to the bed. She however drowned into sleep again. And not within more than 5 mins did she started to throw tantrums. She started panting hard. She started Screaming. She started panicking. She is suffocating. Gulping, heaving, wheexizng and puffing.

She is on a turmoil. Its like her inner demons are dancing outside. Her eyes are still shut. But I can sense the turpitude and evilness inside her. Its scaring her and its scaring me. An involuntary reflex came out of me. I held her hand with my both  and started squeezing with assurance. I assured her that I was there. She wanted more. She did not get calm with that. The amount of depravity she is facing is huge compared to the comfort I was giving her. She grabbed me along my collar and pulled me close.

She was mumbling something. It did not make sense. Nothing of her ever did since I saw her. But being this close to her asphyxiating me. She is not the first girl. I had many this close or even more. I have been to the atmost depth of the girl.  Noone ever had me the way she did. There’s something about her which is tearing me apart. She still was mumbling few words.

May be I would have got them if I was few feet away. But in this fixture, hell I will. She pelted her arms around me. It gave me a shiver. My body jilted. Slowly she became pastoral. She did not release me. I can feel her breathe. It churned my stomach. I can’t resist her. I can’t. What’s this about her? She’s nothing like a girl I’ve ever seen before.

PS : This is my very first attempt to write a story. And this is very much unedited. Thankyou for giving a try. The first chapter may not be so prurient and scoopy. But i guess the story line will keep you enough puzzled.  

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