The one who is sheer enigmatical.

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You know that you're not having a good time when you've to wake up at 6 in the morning. You know you are having the worse time when you woke up to the drop kick. 

Perfect Morning, Ain't it? I stampeded and got straight on the floor on which I unknowingly crashed last night after getting her on my bed. I deciphered my one eye trying to bring myself out of my slap happy drowsy mood. I lifted my head up only to jaunt figure standing before me. Fatigue overcame my cognizance and I tried to retire again just before getting another jolt. 

" #@!$@^%Y$ERD@#DW@#%%$T$#T$ " , I yelled.

" Rise and Shine Cupcake " , She cheered.

" What? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAAT? WHAAAAAT? " , I called out.

" Get ready in 10. I will be waiting downstairs. You own a Car. Don't you? " , She hauled even before I replied.

I organised myself with heavy effort conquering my craving for sleep and got down.

" Where to ? " , I quizzed soon after  started driving.

" Hamilton Elementary  Boarding School " ,  She replied which made me have a quick clarion look at her.

Something has changed about her. The girl, I've seen in the station is nothing like the one I'm witnessing now. The spasm and misery, they are no more there. The bruises they are all covered by a thick sentient layer of makeup. She embellished herself with a flannel and tied her raunchy hair up into a pigtail. She wore frames and totally turned out into a dolt. But the bewitchery, it's still there. The aroma of her daunting is viciously haunting. 

There's something about her that always makes my face beam. Maybe the chutzpah. Maybe the spitfire. But, what does she have to do with a Boarding school? Before I tried to hit, she was half way asleep. 

I was asked to wait outside while she entered the pictorial building. After half past the hour she returned this time not alone but with two tots. One she, around 6 years old and the other He, around 4 years.  Well, let's say it did not startle me after all that I've seen with her. But it did perplex me alot. But she on the other hand, I can see life in her dead eyes. The eyes which are cold sober and lukewarm, numb and stale. They are luminous and shimmering.  The little ones are atypical. Clearly exceptional.

The little girl is creamy and flaxen haired with brimming eyes.  Her visage is pleasent. The guy is more delightful than that. He is valiant and macho for his age with coiled hairs. There is a large amount of  chastity and immaculacy among them. She carried the boy in her arms and caught the girl with her hand and approached me. Before I could ask her about their whereabouts, she ordered me to take them to the little park along the lake nearby. 

I sat on the ledge watching them play. She is elan vital when with them. She is full of life. The guy seems to like her so much than the girl. She has never left him even for a second. I no longer saw her as an enigmatical girl. She was no different than the rest two. She is scant and babyish. She laughed. She giggled. She grinned. She chuckled. She howled. And each and every time it's full of life. Through out the journey from the school to here, She was pretty diligent in asking them questions. The little guy hugged her throughout and the girl kept squinting at me every now and then ominously. Whenever, I returned the peek she quickly turned around. And that kind of bursted me up. 

I heard her calling their names. Not sure which one was which. I decided the little boy to be Joel after being sure of her calling him several times. I have got to ask her again. Just when the clock is striking 12, she left them to play by themselves and came to me to inquire if i had any money on me. Just when my phone beeped on receiving a call from my mate asking me where did i go from morning , I ignored her for a moment. She lugged her hands inside my pocket and got hold of my wallet and searched for it which tickled and aroused me at the same time and after making sure that I had enough money on me, she got them both back to the car waiting for me to get on and drive. 

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