Nothing you can compare to your neighborhood girl.

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It's been 6 hrs since I got her home. She is still sleeping. Her eyes are in utter despair.  They are baffling. There's something about her that I can't resist. Is that her dazzling eyes? Her flamboyant cheeks? Her provking lips? or fanatical personality? Her eyes lashes are enticing. Her lips are welcoming. I was never drawn to anyone else like her. I couldn't refrain myself from being animalistic. My inner  animalism started popping out.

I was an inch close to her and her heavy gasp is all over my face. She was still enchanting something that i could least care. Rest of the world went blurred. Nothing in the world could stop me from touching her. I felt the urge in me to get to know her physically. No wonder, after all I am a man. I started rousing near to her. 

My lips touched hers convincing my carnality as an act of making her calm. I felt her. I felt the man in me with her. I felt the atmost eroticism. She retorted. She smiled. It was pure. A tear drop rolled down her eye. The kiss, it was demoniac. Necromantic. It was like someone performed an occult on me. It absorbed me on a whole. It took her 30 seconds to recognise the vicinity. She freed her eyes.

They soon went from a glimpse to a wide stare and then a startle. I focused my gaze into her without stopping my function. Just when i was on the verge of feeling heaven, i got slammed. It's a whomp. A big hard blow. It did not take long to realise that my nose is whoozing blood.

I was accelerated back towards the wall. My head spinned for a second. The push was a strong one. It's nothing like from a girl. What was she even eating? Is this girl for real?  After balancing myself with penitince and guilt, I gave her a  peek. I could not bring myself to say a word.

After a process of catching her head and coming back to complete sense, she gave me a  uncertain and ambiguous look.

" Hey, you?"

"Yeah? ", I replied in sinfulness.

" Do you even have a girl friend? ", She shouted. Her pitch is so blatant and full and noisy.

" WHAT? ", I asked taken aback.

" You don't have one. Do you? You're such a bad kisser after all" , she complained.

" Excuse me " , for an instance I couldn't believe what i was hearing.

" You got anything to eat? ", She questioned.

I nodded my head involuntarily still thinking about what she asked few seconds back.

" What are you waiting for? Go get me all of them, you dork", she  cried.

I was never startled ever in my life since the time when i got a present from Santa early in the morning under my bed for christmas ten years back which later turned out to be one from my mother.

I couldn't help myself but turn back and survey her every alternate second while walking towards my refrigerator.

I grabbed the door and caught two gallons of juice. I couldn't find any solid food and returned back to her only seeing her snuffing a cigar. What's with this girl? Why is she so gallant and spoilt? She was doing it very proficiently. I made my way near her and offered her the juice.

" Whoa Dude, I asked you for some food", she panicked. " Is this all what you got? Not even a beer? Like seriously? " , she squawked.

" Do you want me to make you some pancakes? " , I quizzed bringing all the prowess.

"Pancakes. Well, how about some Marshmallows? Just how fucking old are you? Can i get anything referred as meat? " ,she demanded.

" I..I'm 17. And just wait here, I will go grab some from the corner of the street", I said stammering  and I left downstairs locking from outside.

After 20 mins of lingering outside the eatery for getting some food parcelled and trying to constrain myself from thinking about her, I returned back to home. Call it God's grace or whatsoever, I was born with a golden spoon.

Dad is a well groomed tycoon and Mom, a costumier. They were busy in thier own worlds, hardly cared for me ever. Mom, on the other hand is a soft heart but stonewalled by Dad's deeds and his extra marital affairs divorced him an year back and is goofing around with a guy who is a professional photographer. His name is Tom which kind of makes me chuck and I don't like this guy. Well, atleast he is better than my Dad though.

I decided not to live with any of them in order to escape from the tear jerking melodrama and the whole fervent prention of "We care for our son" makeup. I moved into this accommodation an year back with my bosom buddy. Oh wait , NO. I totally let slip him from my memory. He would be home anytime now.

The very thought of him confronting her made my legs gallop and jog to the cave.  I darted upstairs and the sight of the lock undid gave me gooseflesh. NO.NO.NO, every part of my body started screaming. My apartment consists of two bedrooms, a guest room , a living room, a kitchenette and a dining space. While getting her here, i positioned her in my room involuntarily which i later i realised that i did because of impulsion of being near to her.

I made my way quickly to my room fouled up seeing my bed emptied. I quickly headed back into his room only to see him undoing his socks. 

" Hey man, Waddup? ", he asked seeing me entering the room.

"Urr..Umm..Nothing. When did you come?", I inquired.

"Just a couple of minutes back. Why? What happened? You don't seem normal. Is everything okay?" , He puzzled.

" Well, Um..Ugh..Yeah. Yeah. Everything is fine. Um, So Were you all alone all this time? " , I questioned.

He undid his socks, travelled near me and caught me by his arms asking, " No, I was talking to bloody Mary before you came. She kind of proposed me and I was uncertain whether to accept her or not. I mean you see, She is a ghost after all. I can't end up  being blown by an invisbible being each night", he giggled.

" Oh, This is a joke? Very funny" , I frowned.

" It's upto you. Now if you excuse me, I will go get a shower and will be up waiting in the hall to be wasted with you. What say? ", he said.

" Yeah, I will be right there." , I replied and headed back.

If he has not seen her, then where did she go? She was not in a state to walk properly. I clearly locked the door from outside. How can she possibly leave? Confused, I walked into my room and laid on my bed only to get a glimpse of the opened window. Well yeah, this is it. This should be it. She left through the window. But why should she? She is in so much pain. She asked me for food. Then what made her left? Did she buck from up here? Confused, I drowned into sleep.

Few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door and opened it to see my mate waiting for me to catch up. I got dressed and we left to a diner where we , I mean  to be certain I get to oggle at different girls and sometimes end up humping on them later at night where my buddy here will just slug some alocohol and end up riding me home safely. Did i ever mention what he is to me? He is more than a family.

After my principal meal, we left to the club where we usually spend our weekend nights. I couldn't help but notice myself constantly worrying about her and within less than 1 hour we reached home back.

He was so stoned and flying that he passed out soon after we reached home. I left to my room and disposed myself on bed wondering where she is and slowly slumbered.

Around past two, i was rallied from sleep by the jangle of someone talking and whooping, snorting and grinning. I freed my eyes and turned the light on to see her exacting to get into the room through window but suffering. I quickly gave her a hand and made it easy for. She escaladed into the room and crashed to the floor bursting loud. I helped her to rise up and get on my bed and tucked her into the bed.

I started sensing a stinky smell around her and it took me only seconds to realise that she is completely boozed up. I couldn't help but notice a few more bruises on her face and her arms. She is a mystery. She is nothing you can compare to your neighborhood girl.

 Ps : Thanks for reading. I know I have been updating in smaller parts. I have got million thoughts in my head and Im not sure which to give a start with. And also, I want the readers POV to proceed before taking a large step. So, I will update soon. 

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