The Favorite Sin

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I put on my best dress for Lee's wedding, which happens to be a floor-length emerald gown and my mother's cardinal pin. Harvey is dressed in a nice black and white suit.

"You look gorgeous."

It's the third time he's said that since we arrived at Divinity Church. Walking into this church feels similar to stepping back in time. I can almost see myself, Jim, and my mother mourning the loss of my father. Even more recently, I envision rows and rows of people paying their respects to my mother. I can almost view the entire GCPD staff filling up the rows to show their support to my brother. I hear Oswald, Matthew, and Butch grabbing for my attention.

I miss my extended family. Jim informed me that Sharon, Mark, and Matthew moved to the other side of the country after my death. Apparently, they didn't want to scar Matthew with the atrocities of Gotham. I've debated calling Sharon, but I just can't introduce them to the supernatural horrors of the city.

Some things are better left dead. Perhaps I'm one of them.

Lee is the most beautiful bride I've ever seen, of course. As she walks down the aisle, another woman catches my eye. Thin and dark-headed, this mysterious woman stands by Carmine Falcone. She's far too young to be his wife. I wonder what the relation is. He never mentioned any family, but then again, who would?

The wedding is gorgeous but simple for the grandeur Falcone usually carries with him. As the lovers recite their vows, I wonder how my wedding will look, if I ever have one. If it's with Harvey, I have no doubt it'll be wonderful, spectacular occasion. If it's with Oswald, well, I guess I can't afford to think that way.

"Let's get together soon," Dent shakes Mario's hand while I give Lee and parting hug.

The newly married groom agrees. "We'd love that."

"Thanks for coming, Sera."

"Of course! I'm so proud and overjoyed for you, Lee. We'll catch up soon. Enjoy your honeymoon."

We skip the latter half of the reception. Dent claims he has an important case to work on, but in truth, we return to my apartment. Anticipation flutters down my spine. I'm not able to lock the door before his lips are engulfed in mine.

Skin to skin, I find myself hesitating, calculating every touch. I don't have the liberty of allowing my emotions to take hold of my body. A single wrong move could break him. Another wrong move could break both of us. Perhaps this is my curse now. Instead of having unwanted mob eyes on me, I have the curse of strength. Always needing to be delicate, especially with the things I care most about. In this case, Harvey.

Passion becomes him. His embrace is a warm one, much contrasting Oswald's cold and bony fingers. His touch stings of fire. Now I'm the frigid one, being warmed from the inside out. It's uncomfortable at first until I realize nobody's truly meant to be frozen. I relish in his warmth and feel even emptier when he leaves.

A few hours later, I awake to a sweet note from Harvey saying he went home to check on Jessica and work, of course. I quickly check my phone to find numerous missed calls from Jim and Bullock.

"What's going on?" I throw on clothes.

"Your brother killed Mario Falcone! He was infected with the Tetch Virus! Jim had to shoot him!"

Oh god. I just saw Mario a few hours ago. How can he be dead?

"And Lee?" I run to my car. "Is she okay?"

"Devastated, but alive. You have to get here, now!"

I arrive at the precinct only a few minutes later. Jim is whispering to Bullock. All of the other cops are murmuring amongst themselves, too. This is a cesspool waiting to hatch. I grab my brother by the arm, ripping him from his conversation and I throw him into Bullock's office.

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