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(This one I believe happened about a year or 2 ago. I don't remember. It was a while back.)

     It was just any normal day in WolfQuest. I was rping with a friend of mine. I think I was about 16 or 17 then. I was playing as my character Amycus. So nothing much happened except rp events. Blah blah blah. So I thought I didn't need to worry about anything.

     But I did...

     Soon these 2 people joined my server. Back then, I think my server name was Cat|Dog|or|Human|RP before I changed it to my now usual Any|Animal|or|Human|RP. The one y'all see me host most often. Speaking of which, I used to host a Hide and Seek server, but I haven't done so in a while. I don't rlly do pup servers much, so you'd hardly see me host one.

     Oof. I get carried away sometimes don't I? Now back to the story.

     So these 2 people joined. I welcomed them like usual. I said "hello describe and join." That was my welcome message before I shortened it to just "hello desc and join." Their character names were I believe Snow and Alex. I'm Nott entirely sure of the second one, but I know for a fact the first one's name was Snow.

     So the person named Snow flat out said no. And so did the second person. For me, I got very suspicious of them and kept my eye on them. They came to where me and my friend were. I had Amycus growl at them basically to symbolize my distrust and suspicion towards them.

     Then they started messing with my friend. I didn't rlly know if he was a girl or a boy irl, so if I don't know your gender irl, I'll default to saying he. Anyways he was younger than me cause he had told me so, and I felt as if I had to protect him. Another fact about me: I am very protective of my friends and loved ones especially if they were younger than me.

     So they were messing with him. I basically told them to back off cause that behavior will Nott be tolerated. And then I started describing Amycus. When I mentioned that he was hot-tempered, the person named Snow said: "A little emphasis on the 'hot' part." I didn't know if he was trying to flirt, but I thought he was. I was like: O-O. But they left before I could kick them.

(While I was telling this whole story, my face was basically like the one at the top of the page when this was taking place.)

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