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(The hilarity of this killed me.)

So there we were. Me, Rain, and Scourge. On my server. This person named Mace joined. She was being op, and the rp that followed was hilarious.

Mace: *she jumped onto the doghouse*

Rab: *he snarled and barked and went out* "can you stop that and get off of our doghouse and out of our territory"

Mace: "why"

Rab: "cause you're intruding and that scratching is annoying"

Mace: "you mean this" *scratches the side of the doghouse*

Rab: *he snarled*

Rod: *he holds Rab back*

Hawkim: "What's going on? I can hear you fighting 10 miles away"

Rab: "there's an intruder"

Then Mace poofed cause WiFi. And then this happened.

Alan: *she fell into the lake*

Rod: *he followed Alan's scent and then jumped in the water grabbing Alan's scruff and going to shore*

And he took Alan to the doghouse and said that she would stay they're for now on.

And then Mace came back.

Rab: "do I have to get our friend Amycus over here he'd be glad to teach you manners"

Hawkim: "think about who YOU talk to before your car blows up"

Mace: *they jumped off to go greet the father*

Mace then poofed again and came back. And she had a "plan"

Mace: *eviction person puts eviction notice on Rod's door until they pay it off*

I said: Rod is a wolf dog he doesn't pay with money...)

I just shook my head and started laughing. I don't know why, but I thought this was hilarious. Cause wolf dogs don't heed human rules XD.

Rain: *Rain looked out and squealed* *she gave the dude her puppy eyes*

Mace: *he walked away without noticing Rain*

Hawkim: *he growled at Mace and the girl*

Rain: *Rain growled walking up behind him*

And this is where it got really hilarious. >:3)


Loki: *he smirked and used his illusion magic to change the eviction man into a ballerina*

At that point I just burst into laughter. It was so funny XD.)

Mace: *Keira clipped a leash onto Mace's collar*

Hawkim: "goodbye" *he growled to Mace and the girl*

Rain: *Rain Rab up and put a paw on the man's leg*

Mace: "what" *the guy turned around*

Rain: *dem puppy eyes*

Mace: "Aww cute" *he laughed*

Loki: "hey buddy join your friends" *he looked at the man still dressed up as a ballerina*

Mace's human character Keira tried to shoot Hawkim but failed cause...you know.. he's indestructible. And then Amycus came on the scene, and Mace tried to bite Hawkim's muzzle but it didn't work. And more hilarity.)

Loki: *he saw the animal control show up* "I got this" *he used his illusion magic to turn them all into worms for the birds*

Mace: "get off me mutt" *Mace snarled*

Hawkim: "no"

Rod: *Rod laughed* "good one Loki"

Amycus: *he snorted back laughter*

Mace: "you like water" *she asked*

Hawkim: "Yes"

Amycus: "do you wanna keep your throat" *he smirked*

Mace: "can you DIE from water"

Hawkim: "no"

And blah blah Mace called in her "pack" and they lost badly. Hawkim killed several and Amycus ripped a wolf's throat out. And then it got late so we left. This was both ridiculous and hilarious. Don't know what else to say.

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