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I know this is Ridiculous WolfQuest Stories, but I have a different sort of story today.

This is more of a ridiculous Wattpad story.

So I go on Wattpad as usual, and it says I have 17 stories. Now I'm supposed to have 18, but when I went to check, I only had 17. I refreshed the page thinking it's only a glitch, and it's nothing to be concerned about.

But it wasn't. Someway somehow, one of my stories got deleted. It was 50+ Ways to get Kicked in WolfQuest. I was confused and greatly annoyed that it got deleted. I wondered how cause I'm pretty sure it wasn't my doing. I didn't even touch it, and somehow it got deleted.

I don't feel like replacing it, so it's just a lost story now.

(Edit) And now it's back again...
what...the...hell is going on with Wattpad today?

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