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(Once again, this happened a while back. Don't know when, but it happened.)

     I'm pretty sure someone's been kicked for something, but being kicked for no reason is another story. Yeah it happened to me. I joined this server, and I was playing as Amycus. The host's character's name was Athena. So I desc'd, and everything was normal.

     Or so I thought...

     I said I was a Siberian husky and wolf mix. Then I went on about my business and started rping. Suddenly, another person joined. I said hello like normal. But then they said they wanted to be a Siberian husky and wolf mix too.

     That's when there were problems...

     The host, Athena was like: "but there's already one." And another person who was on was like: "kick them." And I was like: "excuse me?" And they kicked me. But I was the first to join and say I wanted to be a Siberian husky and wolf mix. Why the hell should it matter that there are 2. Hell I was one on my own server and somebody else wanted to be the same thing, and I let them thinking: 'there are 2, so so what?'

     People these days and kicking people off their servers for no real reason whatsoever. They get on my nerves. Cause for me I don't kick people off my server unless I have a real reason to like if they're being rude or obnoxious or just plain annoying. I was so close to snapping. I was so angry.(Another fact about me: I can be a bit hot-tempered at times, but most of the time, I'm laid back and calm)

     I wonder if anything like this has happened to anybody else. Any of y'all got similar stories to this one?

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