Chapter 9

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Unedited. [I'm still using my moms phone so this might be shit]

Trigger warning: talk about previous actions from book one (what Phil did)

  The next morning Dan called in to work to let them know he'll be in later. He then grabbed the resealed box that sat on the coffee table, making sure he had the envelope that was with it.

  Once he got to his destination, he walked inside and straight to the desk.  "Hi! what can I do for you?" Why is this woman so cheery? Dan asked himself. He was never like this in the morning.

  "I need to speak with your boss." The lady just looked at him before looking down at a sheet of paper, "okay can I get your name?" why does she have to be so nice, how can someone be so nice this early in the morning? Dan sighed before giving the girl his name. Which caused her to look up immediately. A shocked mixed with a happy expression clearly on her face. She then smiled, "you can head right up, Mr.  Howell. Do you remember what floor?" Dan nodded as he told her thank you before walking to the elevator.

   When the doors opened he didn't hesitate to walk right in. Reviving the attention from the other male in the room. He intensely watched as Dan walked over and ploped the box into the man desk, "I don't fucking want it nor do I want your damn money." The older looked at the box and then back to Dan.

"Did you even open it?"

"Yes, I fucking opened it.  I don't want anything from you. Why can't you just bloody leave me the hell alone, Phil! I don't want your sympathy or your money.  I'm not your little anymore." he turned around and started walking away.

"You said that to me the day everything ended." Phil whispers. Dan stopped, his mind made him remember.


He took a deep breath, tying not to start crying, "I should of listened to you when you said you're safe word. I'm so sorry for what I did, I'm not asking you to jump right back in where we left off before everything happened. I'm asking you to come back because I love you and I hate not having you at home."

Dan just looked at him tears falling by themselves, "Phil, I l- I don't know if I love you anymore... I can't be with someone that hurt me like you did. And just cause you say you're sorry doesn't fix anything. What you did really hurt me and... cause of that we can't be together." Phil looked at him, his heart shattering into pieces at Dans words. "Sugar-" "No, just face it. I'm not your little anymore Phil." Dan walked away after Phil's name left his mouth, leaving the other to brake down into tears.


  Dan bit his tongue, "you're right, I did tell you that," he turned to face Phil, "and I ment it then and I mean it now." Phil frowned as Dan turned back around and started to walk away again. He watched as Dan clicked the button to go down. 

"What happened to the boy that you were with at the coffee shop?" Dan took a deep breath as he recalled what happened between him and Gavin.

  "Dan? I asked you a question." The younger turned around. 

"You really want to know what happened? Fine... He left me because I wouldn't let him touch me sexually. Cause everytime he did I would brake into tears cause I was afraid he would do the same thing you did to me," Dan started crying, "I thought he was going to take take advantage of me like you did. It got so bad that he left me."

Phil felt like a hundred of a million pounds were just dropped onto him. He didn't know what to say,  but before he even got a chance Dan was gone.


Just a few things,

One, would any of you be interested in reading a non fanfiction story? Cause like I have so many ideas and I don't want to spend time writing something that no one will read.

Two: look at this fuzzy little fucker, I'm going to miss him.

And lastly Three... I hope you all are doing wonderful and are happy... and if your not happy, then I hope you feel better soon and just try to smile cause it'll get better. and hell, if you cried today. That's fine, cause I cried today more times then I can count.

  Also don't let anyone tell you what to do with you life listen to you. No one else, unless you trust them. Cause walking on a path that someone else paved for you, it's willing to have a few cracks that will cause you to trip and fall. 

  Don't follow the crowd also, go the opposite direction. Society what's us to be the same but you see your own person, just cause someone tells you no doesn't mean you should back down. Do what YOU think is right, not what others think is... cause they only know what they want. Not you.

So over all, just do what you want to do and what makes you happy... and if anyone has a problem with that, then fuck them.

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