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☆How You Meet 2017 Bowers Gang☆

Henry -

You, Bill, Stan, Eddie and Richie were outside talking about the missing girl "She's not dead, She's m-m-m-missing." Bill said. We all know how horrible it was for him to lose Georgie that's why were are going to look for Georgie, but I don't think we're going to find him but I kept my mouth shut. "Sorry Bill she's missing" Richie apologised "You know the Barrens aren't that bad who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water" As Richie said that he was thrown to the ground by Henry Bowers and Richie collided into Stan where Patrick was waiting for them. Stan's kippah fell off his head and Patrick picked it up "Nice freebie flamer" Patrick said and through it "Fucking Losers" Belch came up behind Eddie and burped in his face and pushed you into Bill. Henry pushed past Bill "You s-s-s-suck Bowers" Bill yelled at Henry "Shut up Bill" Eddie warned him. They all slowly turned around. "You s-s-say something b-b-billy." Henry said. He was mid sentence when he saw you and stared for a good 5 seconds. "Henry" Patrick caused him to snap out of his gaze. "You got a free ride this year cause of your little brother, rides over Denbrough" When Henry said that I knew Henry had a bit of a soft spot. I immediately smiled but my smile dropped when Henry said "Summer's gonna be hurt for you and your faggot friends." and with that Henry winked at you licked his hand and rubbed it all in Bill's face. 

Patrick -

You didn't have many friends because you were like a sarcastic loaner. You saw boys being picked on by the Bowers Gang. Of course you knew the Bowers Gang who wouldn't, plus you're kind of Belch's sister. "Hey guys cut it out" You said to Henry and his goons especially your brother. "Move out the way Doll" Patrick demanded "If you think for a second that you can call me doll you've got another thing coming" You barked at Patrick. "Y/N just move out the way" Belch said softly to me because he doesn't like to yell at his own sister, and he didn't want to see his best friend flirt with her either. "Fine but don't ever call me Doll again" You said pointing to Patrick. "Alright" he says while winking at you.

Belch -

You were Patrick's cousin who was visiting for the summer. "Y/N you need a lift" You heard Patrick from a far. "Yeah thanks" you got into the back seat of the car where Patrick and another boy was sitting. "Hey guys I'm Y/N" "Hey I'm Victor" The blonde haired boy reached to shake my hand. "That's Henry in the front with the mullet don't mind him he doesn't talk that much." Patrick explained to me he just nodded. "And that's Belch driving" He looked in the mirror and smiled at you and you smiled back widely. Patrick noticed this and gave you nudge. You snapped out of you stare and continued to talk to Victor and Patrick.

Victor -

You were walking with the four boys towards the front of the school, while the boy were talking about Stan's Bar Mitzvah "At the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the torah, then I make a speech and suddenly I become a man." Stan explains "I can think of funner ways to become a man." "More fun than you think" Stan says "Shit" Eddie exclaims we all turn around and see the Bowers Gang. You were new in Derry and made friends with Stan, Bill, Eddie and Richie on your first day. You were lucky. You didn't really know the Bowers Gang very well but one caught your attention. Victor Criss. He stared at you. "Think they'll sign my year book" Richie pipes in "Dear Richie sorry for taking a hot steamy dup in your backpack last month have a good summer."

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