Assalamualaykum YA ukhti's!
Hope you are all in the best of health and Iman in SHA allah!!
First and foremost I hope any sort of revision, whether it be for SAT exams to GCSE to Finals or to small quizzes or assessments, is going well and hasn't caused you to fall of your chair in sha Allah!
If of course, you have fallen off your chair with the weight of the work then, then I hope in sha Allah, you are able to get back up and carry on striving in sha Allah as indeed knowledge is an obligation upon us all as not only muslims but also aspiring individuals with the potential to change the world.
Aside from revision and exams, I wish to let you all know that I shall not be updating until Momday/Tuesday on neither of my books. With saying that, I do garauntee a huge bulk of updates as I shall spend my holiday time writing the next few chapters in sha Allah so please bear with me!
As a sorry present I have posted a story on the next chapter about struggles in life which I hope is extremely helpful for you when being in this state.
I hope you enjoy in sha allah!
ON HOLD The perks of being a Hafizah
SpirituellesIn the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. With everything in life, there are enough ups and downs and turn arounds to give you serious nausea and when becoming a Hafizah....well it isn't an exception. Amatullah, a typical Middle...